About Avenal High

Avenal High School is a small high school in Avenal, California. Avenal is a small city halfway between the San Francisco Bay and Los Angeles.
Avenal High currently has it's highest enrollment ever: just under 600 students. Ours is the only high school in our town.
Our school colors are royal blue and white with gold trim. Our mascot is the Buccaneer.
Our school's "claim to fame" is our computer labs. We have 6 computer labs on campus for students and teachers to use and learn in. Four of these labs have internet access. We also have a very advanced graphic arts program at our school. Currently our school has a partnership with Cal Poly University regarding our graphic arts.

History of Avenal High

Our school was built in the late 1930's while Avenal was still an oil town with Standard Oil being the biggest buisness in town. It has seen several facelifts in the years since.
We were originally part of the Lemoore High School District as we were until we finally broke away from them.
One of the three major changes in the appearance of our school has been the addition of the fine arts wing. This wing of the school includes the school auditorium, the prop room, the small auditorium, an art room, and a music room. It has been anounced that these rooms are going to see a renovation in the next few years.
Another of the major changes at our school have been all of the changes to the gym. Our gym has added and renovated locker rooms as our school has grown in population. The greatest change to the gym has been the addition of the swimming pavilion. Although our swimming pool is too small to use for competition, we still have a place for the city to cool off from the summer heat.
The next great addition to our school was the addition of the home economics wing. This large building on our campus has a large room full of different kitchens, a room full of sewing machines, a special education classroom, a limited english classroom, and houses one of our five computer labs.
We placed a computer lab in one of these old auto shops last year. Walking into this room, you would never know that it had been a filthy auto-shop that had been unused except for storage for the past several years. Plans have been set to move the Graphic Arts deptarment into the other auto-shop. This much needed move will allow more room for the classroom instruction and the machine use for the business we run there called Buccaneer Graphics. The sheltered english class is to take over the old Graphic Arts Lab and share it with the drafting class.

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