Lake Superior Paws for Love, Inc.


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Welcome to Lake Superior Paws for Love, an Animal Assisted Therapy and Rescue Organization.

Our web page is undergoing an overhaul inorder to update the site, as well as making navigation simpler. Feel free to explore and get back to me on how things are going so far!  Be sure to sign the guestbook, this helps us to better understand who visits our website so we can better taylor it to their needs.

One new feature added, is the Club Search.  Due to an amazing amount of visitors looking for local organizations, we are trying to compile a list of other regional therapy organizations and contacts.  Currently the list is still short.  If you know of a group in the Midwest or Ontario, please let us know, using the form provided on the Club Search page!

Another new addition, is the Editor's Forum.  Check here for a more personal insight into what we're up to right now, and projects I'm involved in.

Other than that, be sure to stop by our normal features including our Links page.   To reach our usual Home and to find out more about Lake Superior Paws for Love, Click on it in the menu, or go Here.
