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Bad Bunny - 12/03/00 11:48:00
My URL:http://www.girlsoficq.com/
My Email:bdbunny@bigfoot.com

Cool page. Thanks for letting me sign your guestbook

Joy Sanderson - 02/01/00 01:27:45
My Email:KnitnKittn@aol.com
Occupation: retired
Children?: Yes, not living with me
City: Lindenhurst NY
Fave music: Fingal's Cave
Fave movie: Star Wars
nICE WORK. Look forward to seeng more of your stuff.

Ginny - 10/14/98 21:19:02
My URL:/Heartland/Acres/4710
My Email:gin417@sunline.net
Occupation: retired
Children?: 3 and 5 grandkids
City: Punta Gorda, Fl
Fave music: country
Fave movie: titantic
Nice Page Take care,

Jan B. - 09/23/98 05:26:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/1406
My Email:janquilts@geocities.com
Children?: my 1st due in May
City: Ontario, Canada
Wow! You've created a wonderful website!! Keep up the great work!

08/31/98 07:42:10
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Cool page Keep up the good work Please visit my website too

Keith Binnie - 07/14/98 18:15:10
Occupation: Manger
Children?: Yes
City: Walla Walla
Fave music: Country
Fave movie: Top Gun

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