Council Officers

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Grand Knight:               John O. Brown
Past Grand Knight:       Donald S. (Don) Brown
Chaplain:                       Deacon Joel Paulson
Deputy Grand Knight:  Michael (Mike) Bunch
Chancellor:                    Anthony (Tony) Romero
Recorder:                       Robert (Bob) Baxter III
Financial Secretary:      Joseph (Joe) Rollwitz
Treasurer:                     Clearance Applehans
The Advocate:                Leo Schneider
Warden:                          Raymond (Ray) Lawlor
Inside Guard:                 James (Jim) Farnen
Outside Guard:               Marvin Scholl
Trustee 3rd Year:           Donald S. (Don) Brown, P.G.K.
Trustee 2nd Year:          Clyde Martinez, P.G.K.
Trustee 1st Year:           Michael (Mike) Gatschet, P.G.K.
District Deputy:             John Dwyer, D.D. #15
Insurance Agent:           Joe Jackson

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