Welcome to the

Dearborn Christian Church

Home Page


Front of Dearborn Christian Church

View of the front of our church building from Beech Daly Road


Dearborn Christian Church
922 North Beech Daly
Dearborn Heights, Michigan 48127
Phone (313) 274-6595

Felix A. Lorenz Jr. - Minister
Home Phone (810) 349-2121
Pager (313) 709-5391


Our church is located in Dearborn Heights, Michigan, on Beech-Daly Road between Cherry Hill and Ford Road.


We are a Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).

The Minister

Photo of Rev. Lorenz Felix A. Lorenz Jr., our pastor, recently celebrated his fiftieth year in the ministry.

Mission Statement

The Mission of Dearborn Christian Church is to unite our congregation in Christian love, care, honesty, holy communion and support; to grow in Christ through Christian education. This will enable us to bring a Disciple witness to the community. In turn, we will seek out persons for commitment to Christ so as to extend God's mission to the World. We strive to remain open to new directions by the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We will demonstrate God's love through unconditional and gracious acceptance of all persons.

Time of Worship

We come together for worship Sundays at 11:15 am.



Please contact me Jim Tower, WebMaster - jimtower@yahoo.com

