Trip to Arbuckle Wilderness

During Spring Break, 2001, NeeNee took Paul, Gabi, Elizabeth & Katie to Arbuckle Wilderness. It is located in Oklahoma, about an hour north of the Red River. It was soooooo much fun driving through the park and feeding the animals. They have hundreds of acres in the beautiful Davis Mountains for the animals to roam, and people drive around and watch them and feed them. Then they have a small walk-through zoo and petting zoo to enjoy. Click on the small pictures below to see some of the things we saw and did there. At the bottem of this page are links to the other two trips we have made to Arbuckle since this one. We went back during the Summer 2001, and Spring Break 2002.

Please be patient for all the pictures to load into your computer. It may take a few minutes, but when you click on the small picture, a large one will pop up for you to see really good. If you are in a hurry, you can go ahead and click on the "words" and go to the larger picture. Then hit the "back" button to choose another one.

Paul Fills UP for the Trip!

Baby Kid

Zebra's TOO CLOSE!!

Lots of Rams

Daddy Deer

Liz Feeds a Deer

Gabby Helps Feed Too!

Longhorn Eats

Katie Snaps a Deer

Llama Chews!

Ostrich - Yikes!

Broken Ostrich Egg

Giraffe's Long Stretch

Baby Goat

One Hump Camel

Black Bears are Caged

On the Walk, Liz Feeds a Llama

A New Baby Llama is Born

The Whole Gang!!

Paul Pets the Baby Piggies!

Cute little Kangaroo!

Peacock Spred His Colors

Look at the Back too!

Gabby Gets into the ACT - Gabby the Cat!

Paul brought his own camera and took some great pictures. The next three pictures were taken by Paul!!!

Paul's Llama

Paul's Longhorns

Paul Snapped the Donkeys Scaring Nee Nee

We have a travelling tradition in our family where we always stop at the Texas border and take pictures on the granite staute of Texas. Here is Paul, atop the statue!!

Welcome Home to Texas!!

Click on the cheetah to go to our second Arbuckle trip.

To our Summer, 2001 Trip to Arbuckle

Catch this cheetah, and click him, to go to our third Arbuckle trip.

To our Spring Break, 2002 Trip to Arbuckle

Click on the links below to go back to the webpage you came here from.

Gabi's Homepage
Paul's Homepage
Blake's Homepage