Steph's Nebraska Page

This web page was made for Mrs. Macqueen's 3rd grade class at Parkside Elementary.


Nebraska became a state on March 1, 1867.
It was the 37th state admitted into the U.S.

The State of Nebraska is mostly plains, so it is good for corn and wheat.
Nebraska also raises cattle and is one of the top meat packers in the country.
Beneath Nebraska’s land, much oil, fine sand and fine gravel can be found.
Nebraska also traps mink, rabbit and badger furs. Nebraska has many interesting
symbols. The state bird is the Western Meadowlark, the state tree is the Cottonwood
and state flower is the Goldenrod. Nebraska’s motto is “equality before the law”.
Nebraska’s nickname is the Cornhusker state. It’s probably because they grow so
much corn. The University of Nebraska’s football and basketball teams are also
known as the Cornhuskers. Corn has always been Nebraska’s best crop.

Chimney rock

Chimney rock is in Western Nebraska. It was given that name by the
settlers because it looked like a big chimney rising from the flat plains.

wagons west

The settlers came to Nebraska because the government was giving
away free land. All you had to do was claim it and start a farm.
They came in covered wagons pulled by oxen. They brought along
cattle. There were miles and miles of prairie grass for the cows
to eat. The cattle would then give milk and later on meat.


When the settlers first got to Nebraska, there were no trees to
build log cabins, so the settlers built houses out of sod bricks.
The houses were dusty and not very clean, but they provided shelter during storms.

sod house

Famous people from Nebraska

Gerald R. Ford I bet you didn't know that Gerald R. Ford wasn't always his name.
He was born on July 14, 1913 in Omaha, Nebraska as Leslie Lynch King, Jr.
In 1916 his mother married a man from Grand Rapids who adopted Leslie and
changed his name to Gerald Rudolph Ford.

Baby Ford
Before becoming our 38th president, Gerald R. Ford played
football for the Michigan Wolverines and won 2 M.V.P awards.
Later he received offers to go pro for the Detroit Lions and the
Green Bay Packers, but he decided to go to Yale and study law instead.
You can learn more about Gerald R. Ford at the Gerald R. Ford Library and Museum.

Boys Town Father Edward J. Flanagan started Boys Town in 1917 to help homeless boys.
He started with only a few boys, and grew it into a national organization.
31 years later he died of a heart attack, but Boys Town continues helping
boys and girls even today.
Boys Town
The slogan "He ain't heavy, Father... he's my brother" was made famous
in the 1938 movie 'Boys Town' starring Spencer Tracy and Mickey Rooney.
To learn more, go to the Boys Town homepage.

Some other famous people from Nebraska are Henry Fonda, Marlon Brando,
Johnny Carson and Fred Astaire. Marlon Brando, Henry Fonda and Fred Astaire
were all famous actors. Johnny Carson was a well known comedian and entertainer
on the Tonight Show. He is still considered one of Nebraska's most famous people.
Go to this website to learn more about famous Nebraskans.

Places to go, Things to see!

The Henry Doorly Zoo

The College World Series at Rosenblatt Stadium

Nebraska Cornhusker football

Nebraska City is the home of Arbor Day

Lots of great Nebraska parks

If you want to learn more about old-time Nebraska, go to this web site
