Mary's Garden Page and Links

This is Gaillardia, also known as Blanketflower. It's a perennial that blooms from midsummer to frost.
Because it is tolerant of drought, it has thrived this summer.
The garden marker was created at The Clay Art Studio, Plainfield, MI.

Despite the dry weather, our annuals have flourished due to
the attention of apprentice gardeners Steph and Katie.

Links to recommended garden pages

Vitual Garden!
A Great Resource for Gardeners

The ultimate gardening page.
This is what my page aspires to become!

Family Gardening

Jan's Hideaway. A great garden site from our neighbor in Windsor, Ontario

This link is vacant. Please send me a link

This is definitely a winter project. I'm too busy in the garden right now.
I'll update this page when I have time. I'd like to add craft tips and links as well.

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