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Announcing the arrival of
NEW photos of Audrey
They emailed this photo to me on the year anniversary that I told them I wanted to be their surrogate, January 12
But first, if you have just learned that I am a surrogate,
please click NEXT to read about how I got started, and what my
journey has been, to get me where we are today.
Tuesday November 19th. I arrived at the hospital at 5:30am for my scheduled induction. I had told my IP's and my DH to come later, as there was no reason for them to be there that early. Got checked into room (the hospitals only suite) and went over everything with the nurses and got started on Pitocin at 6:30am. At this point, I was dilated 2-3, 60% effaced, and soft. My IP's, Kim & Stuart arrived just after 7 and my DH, Fran, got there just after 7:30. A little while later, Stuart's parents, Peggy and Homer and a family friend, Lisa, arrived. We sat around and played the wait game on the doctor. I had told him I wanted my water broken right after the pitocin, and to my displeasure, that didn't happen, and we waited around doing nothing. At this point, I was starting to have contractions that slowly got more intense, on a scale of 1-10, being at at 4. He finally came in and broke my water at 10:45. I was checked again, and I was still just dilated at a 3, but was now 90% effaced. The epidural arrived a few minutes later, so I kicked everyone but Fran out of the room. He started to put it in at 11, but he didn't get it in on the first try, and had to redo it. The pain from that, along with my now strong contractions (8-9 on scale) was the worst part of the whole labor process. The epidural was in by 11:20, and I was checked again, and was dilated at 4.I forget exact times now, so I'll try my best to be accurate. By 12:30 I thought I was feeling pressure so I asked my nurse, Marie, to check me, and I was surprised I was only at a 6. By 1, I thought I was feeling even more pressure, but I figured I was just being silly, so I didn't say anything. However, I started feeling the contractions again, and though they weren't painful (ranging a 3-5) I just couldn't ignore them or the pressure and called on her again by about 1:15. She checked me and said "You're there! You're fully dilated". I had Fran get Kim, and when she walked in the room I told her "Its time!" She got everyone who was going to be in there for the birth- herself, Stu, Lisa and Peggy. The nurse got ready and had me start pushing her down the birth canal, as she was still pretty high up. This was about 1:30. I didn't push with every contraction, probably half of them, because the doctor was delivering a baby just next door, and AGAIN, I had to wait on him. He arrived in the room about 1:55 and got his stuff on. He sat down and told me to push. After that push, he told me to push again- which I did for all of 3 seconds when he yells "stop stop stop". I stop and he starts suctioning her mouth and nose. I had pushed out her head and shoulders in that half push, and didn't even know it!! I hadn't felt her crown or come out. He told me to push, and I gave a little half push again, and felt her body slid out. It was 2:03. Audrey Grace had been born.
As what we wanted, Stu cut the cord, squirting blood all over him. She was taken to the warmer and everyone followed. They were all watching her, touching her, filming everything about her, while the doctor finished up with me. They weren't watching or paying any attention to us, so it wasn't uncomfortable for me at all, they were just focused on the little miracle. Audrey's apgars were and 8 & 9. She weighed in at 7 pounds 12 ounces and was 19 ½ inches long. After they cleaned her up and did all they needed, as I had requested, she was handed over to me. I got my first real look at my surro daughter. I looked her over quickly, gave her a kiss, and handed her to her mommy. It was a beautiful moment. Her mommy cried and held her a moment or two, then handed her to her daddy. Another family, complete.
A Dream
By: Lain L.
Our friendship started differently, than most friendships I've had. We had to search each other out, because of something sad.
A precious child to fill your hearts, is what you're longing for. Infertility has made it hard, to open up that door.
And so a search began for you, to find a helping heart. So similar to my own search, not knowing where to start.
For me the search is special, it requires such great care. A couple to help have a child... the fruit my search must bare.
Now we've found each other, so much more real it seems. Through faith and hope and honesty, we're moving toward your dream.
But the dream we have, it is the same, a dream that's filled with firsts. First smiles, first laughs, first steps, first words.... all starting with a birth.
Often times I find myself, wondering what it's like, to have to trust a stranger, with such a precious life.
And though I can't imagine, all that you've been through, I've been so blessed in my life, I'm drawn to helping you. And I hope you know I'll do my best to bring a child to you.
Some people call us Angels, us surro-moms to be. But I don't feel Angelic, I just feel like me.
Our journey is just starting, and no one knows the end. I pray it brings to you a child, and brings to me a friend.
Read my Dreambook guestbook!
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If you are interested in learning more about myself (Brooke - Audrey's surro mommy)or my family, please feel free to visit my webpage : KOURTNI & KIANA'S KORNER