Kourtni & Kiana's Korner

Update - December 7, 2005


I know, I never update this page like promised. Oh well. I've had it at least 6 or so years, so I really doubt many of you visit any more, unless I send out an update. For now, I'll mostly just update my 360 page on yahoo, which can be found by going to the members page of yahoo and typing in "mama2kourtni". I'd give you a direct link but it isn't letting me, and I'm too tired to find one.

If you are looking for updates on the girls and us, you'll find it at 360. If you are looking at my surrogacy pages, they will be the only pages that will remain.

Hope everyone is doing well, and having a great holiday season.

Visit all the pages of my site
click the links below.

Audrey Kourtni & Kiana Croix

For loads of laughs while in Orlando, visit: Fran performs on some Tuesdays

For a memorable event at Disney, contact us pixies at: