Thomas Rhodes and his wife Peniner(sp) Stancil taken before 1884, my gggreat grandparents. He is the son of Alexander Rhodes and Elizabeth Pettite, my ggggreat grandparents.

Samuel Thompson, father of Henrietta Thompson wife of David E. Rhodes about 1882, my gggreat grandfather.

Henrietta Thompson Rhodes wife of David E. Rhodes, taken before 1930, my ggreat grandmother.

Taken in 1880, James Milton England and his wife Rachel Rosetta Shearl(Sherrel?) with her son Joseph R. Allen(who became a doctor) and their daughter Bella England(she married W.K. Miller) , my ggreat grandparents.

Georgia Anna Rhodes taken before she married Delbert England in 1875 or 1876, my great grandmother.

Gladys "Geneva" England at 4 months in July of 1917, she is the daughter of Delbert England and Georgia Rhodes, my grandmother.

Geneva England at age 19, 1935/1936.

Doris England Evans, September 1957, daughter of Delbert and Georgia Rhodes England, my great aunt.

Delbert and Georgia Rhodes England about 1964 in Ramsey, Illinois, my great grandparents.

George "Chris" Carlock and his wife Mabel Anderson, Nov 1957, my great grandparents.

Charles W. Carlock and Geneva England Carlock taken March 1953, my grandparents.

Uncle Curley and Beverly, Oct 1960,(Ralph Anderson Carlock), my great uncle, Chris and Mabel Carlock's son.

Charles W. Carlock and Laura Belle Bowman(2nd wife), my grandparents.

Beverly Ann Carlock in Jan 1958, my mom, daughter of Charles W. Carlock and Geneva England.

Thomas Henry Cunningham in 1959, my bio-dad, son of Thomas J. Cunningham and Rita Carol Macke.

Beverly, Tom, and Laurie, 1961.

My baby picture September 1961, Laurie Leigh-Ann, daughter of Thomas H. Cunningham and Beverly Ann Carlock, adopted by Lewis F. Urry.

Generation picture, Delbert England, Beverly Ann, Georgia Rhodes England, and Laurie, summer 1968 in Ramsey, Illinois.

Generation picture,Beverly(expecting Michael), Jerry, Charles Carlock, Mabel Anderson Carlock, Laurie, summer of 1963 in Ramsey, Illinois.

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