Chewie's First Website

On 01 March 2001, a little puppy Maltese/Shih Tzu was born in a far away kennel in Australia. Her journey (to me) began with a lonely but exciting flight on a BIG, noisy aeroplane to Changi Airport. 

When we met on that fated Saturday afternoon (02 June 2001) in a small petshop in Balestier, it was love at first sight (for me at least).  Who could resist her pretty eyes and tiny little nose??

And now, she's an important part of our family, bringing us joy and laughter with her coy looks and cheeky grins.

We named her Chewbacca the Wookiee, or Chewie for short.


Her First Day at home.... 02 June 2001...


Today, 08 June 2001, Chewie got her first dogtag!  I don't think she likes it very much... She is carrying it in her mouth.

My new hair-do, courtesy of Godma Mag.

See other pictures of me :

1st Birthday Bathtime! Zzzzzzzzz.... Playtime!

Copyright 2002 Vivienne Ngo, Singapore
Please do not copy the pictures without permission from the author
Updated : 02 March 2002