Patrick Logan

Generation No. 1

PATRICK LOGAN was born May 06, 1752 in Ireland, and died January 17, 1828 in Rush County, IN. He married NANCY SALLY HARPER March 01, 1780 in Washington County, PA.

Patrick Logan was a full blooded Irishman, a man of intelligence, of great force of character and possessed many of the characteristics of his countrymen. Patrick Logan served as a volunteer in the milita in PA a number of times through different years during the War for Independence. He was finally ordered into the regular army in 1783. He served as a Private in Captain Israel Moore's company, Fourth Battalion, Chester County, PA militia under the command of Lt. Colonel Richard Williams. He was a patriotic, law abiding citizen. He was a weaver by trade and followed that occupation to a greater or less extent while he lived. The last years of his life were spent with his daughter Catherine, in Rush County, IN after the death of her husband, Daniel McDonald. Patrick Logan was the progenitor of all the Logans related to the McDonalds and others whose names are contained in this record. He died Jan 17, 1828, in Rush County, IN and is buried in the Flat Rock Church Cemetery, Rushville, IN.

* The above note was taken from information compiled by Daniel McDonald, Plymouth IN in 1892.

Children of Patrick Logan and Nancy Harper

  1. RACHEL LOGAN, b. 1797; d. January 22, 1842.
  2. CHARLES LOGAN, b. 1788; d. August 1822.
  3. JOHN A. LOGAN, b. 1790; d. January 1817.
  4. MARY LOGAN, b. 1790; d. July 24, 1857.
  5. CATHERINE LOGAN, b. 1786; d. September 10, 1856.
  6. SAMUEL LOGAN, b. 1795; d. 1834.
  7. THOMAS LOGAN, b. September 11, 1781; d. September 11, 1847.
  8. ROBERT LOGAN, d. Died at 15 years.
  9. HENRY LOGAN, b. January 10, 1783; d. July 02, 1866.
  10. WILLIAM LOGAN, d. In Infancy.

LOGAN: Scottish Gaelic for "little hollow"

MOTTO: "This is the Valor of my Ancestors"

SLOGAN: "Druim nan deur" (The Ridge of Tears)

The Irish Blessing
May the road rise upt to meet you
May the wind be always at your back
May the sun shine warm upon your face
The rains fall soft upon your fields
And until we meet again
May the God that loves us all
Hold you in the palm of His hand.

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