Below are some pictures that were passed around in the family letter that I wanted to have copies of so I scanned them (this was when I worked at TBS and we had a departmental scanner.)
Here's Mom & me at Christmas time 1995. I wonder who Mom is wagging her finger at!
A nice photo of Mom, Grandma Snyder, and Jay.
Audrey, Jed, Harrison, & Avery at Trude & Tim's wedding with Grandma Marousek
looking on in the background.
Presenting the new Trude, Tim & Zack Snyder family!
This has got to be the best Jerry Garcia look-a-like I've ever seen!
Dad as Grizzly Adams.
Grandma Snyder & Gretchen Hillman.
Jed enjoying some snow fun.
Here's Tim cleaning snow off his Jeep. How exciting!
The men of the wedding party!
What a cute couple!