. 2/12/98


Adreanal disease is basically a funky adrenal gland. Ferrets have two adrenal glands, a right and a left, located near the kidneys. These adrenal glands, when healthy are about the size of half a pea. Adrenals produce potent hormones.


Symptoms of adrenal dysfuntion include: hair loss, usually beginning at the base of the tail and progressing up the back. This is seen un both male and female ferrets. Additionally, a musky odor and elevated body temp--warm to the touch. Excessive itiching, drinking, and rinating also. In males, bladder problems such as frequent UTIs and mating behavior. In females, a swollen vulva. NOTE: hair loss on the tail only can be caused by blackheads from clay litter. This can be cleaned with acne medication or by a cleanser from the vets.


The diagnosis is made in several ways.

  1. Surgery: Go in and remove the affected gland. Risks: low, quick recovery and currently the most effective way to treat. Cost: around $200
  2. Lysodren/drug therapy: Risks: These drugs can cause side effectts such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. They are difficult to regulate and may contribute to hypoglycemia problems in the ferret. Should not be used with a ferret that has insulinoma. Unpredictable. Cost: Must be used for a lifetime--may cost several times more than surgery.
  3. Do nothing: Risks: ferrets lose all hair, also lose muscle mass and have little energy.

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