. 2/12/98
Adreanal disease is basically a funky adrenal gland. Ferrets have two adrenal glands, a right and a left, located near the kidneys. These adrenal glands, when healthy are about the size of half a pea. Adrenals produce potent hormones.
Symptoms of adrenal dysfuntion include: hair loss, usually beginning at the base of the tail and progressing up the back. This is seen un both male and female ferrets. Additionally, a musky odor and elevated body temp--warm to the touch. Excessive itiching, drinking, and rinating also. In males, bladder problems such as frequent UTIs and mating behavior. In females, a swollen vulva. NOTE: hair loss on the tail only can be caused by blackheads from clay litter. This can be cleaned with acne medication or by a cleanser from the vets.
The diagnosis is made in several ways.