Lion and Fox Ministries Homepage

Hello and welcome to our homepage.

We are Rev. Lee and Rev. Tonya Sissel and together we make up Lion and Fox Ministries. This page is the jumping off point for your browsing pleasure of our various endeavors.
Tonya worked for a couple of summers at an old time photo shop on Mackinac Island and we thought this would be a fun addition to our page.
Here is a picture of the two of us all gussied up.

Tonya has finished her first year as a teacher! She taught 6th grade social studies at Gila Vista Junior High School in Yuma, AZ. She was switched for next year to teach reading all year and she decided that she would rather transfer to another site. When she did that the school decided to get rid of the reading teacher position (they had to eliminate 3.5 positions to pay for the teachers' raise) so she is seriously pursuing employment. She does have a contract with the district so they do have to place her somewhere but she is not certain where that will be and what she will be teaching!

Lee has been the manager for the Mackinac Island Butterfly House for 8 years. He left the island and the house last year and it has been a difficult transition. Tonya has pushed and prodded over the years that he should become a teacher because has given him a natural gift for teaching and he has poo-pooed the idea because he says he only wants to teach theology to adults and not anything else to anyone younger. Well, this past semester of school has challenged him as he stepped up to the plate and became a substitute teacher! Guess what? He is fabulous at it and even though he fights with himself about it because it is going against what he wants (he keeps saying that he is operating outside his comfort zone but isn't that what God calls us to do most often?) he is finding that he rather enjoys it. He is especially good with the special education kids and I hope that he goes on to get a special ed certification if he chooses to get certified to teach.

Want to know more about the butterfly house? Go to The Butterfly House Homepage.

We don't have kids of our own in the house but we do have 2 wonderful, fun dogs. They are red miniature pinschers (min pins for short) which we adopted from a rescue organization for min pins. To find out more Click Here . We have some pictures to show just how cute they are but it hasn't been updated in a while. To see them look in The Puppy Showcase.

We are grandparents and thus we want to show everyone pictures of the little ones. The first one is named Jessica Roxanne Sissel. She was born on September 10, 2000. Check back often as we continue photograph our little beauty. The second one is named Quinlan and he was born on August 10, 2002. We have some pictures of him (very few!) but they need to be scanned yet. Joshua (Jessi and Quini's daddy) has recently remarried and with his wife, Mel, comes an adorable little boy named Josh so we hope to get his pictures in there as well. Stop in every so often to see if we have updated The Grandkids Photo Album

Our ministry update can be found here. We are not as faithful as we should be in updating this are of our site but we will keep trying! If you would like to receive an email of our updates subscribe to our Yahoo Group

We love to surf the internet, too. Here are a few sites that you can visit.

Sanctuary Homepage is a site for Christian Metal Heads and more!

Jesus People U.S.A. Homepage gets you in touch with some inspiring Christians of today. If you enjoy music festivals then check out Cornerstone Music Festival. Maybe we will see you there!!

We love to e-mail correspond with people from all over the world! Feel free to contact us at Lion and Fox Ministries

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