About Us


Hi! I'm Wendy. I have a super busy day! I have lots of animals to take care of for one. I also run an in-home daycare. I have mostly boys. Currently I have 16 kids on my roster! YIKES! I have 5 full time boys and 1 full time girl. And a full time baby due to be born January 9th. I'm hoping it's a boy :o) I have another boy that comes 3 days a week. Another boys that comes 2 days a week and sometimes his sister comes with him. I have a girl and boy (brother and sister) that are regular drops in....they come maybe 3 times a month. And I have a brother and sister that come most days after school for about an hour. Plus my two boys all day long. The house is always a mess, but that's ok as long as everyone is having fun!

Please visit my links here to learn all about us. I will have links on these pages later as soon as I get the time to do it.

Here is a link to my boys page

I will put my favorite homeschool links up soon.

Please come see my beautiful family.

Stop by and see mydaycare.
I will put my favorite Daycare links up soon.

Visit my page about my tubaligation reversal

This is my furkids page.

This is a link to a friend of mine who helped me learn how to make a home webpage. Many Thanks go toLindsay
for all her hard work and patience with me!! ;o) Be sure to visit her homepage, she's won some awards on her wolfdog Thunder.

© 1997 wlreich@aol.com
Please come back soon and visit me. I'm under total construction and building on this daily. You can sign my guestbook found at the very tiptop of the page. I haven't gotten my guestbook link set up yet so you'll have to find it up there. (Cause I don't know how to do it down here yet)! :o)

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