Happy Summer

From all your GPA/Ma reps!


Mother Nature smiled down upon our greyhound picnic this threat of rain, for a change.

Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves showing off their greyhounds and swapping stories with fellow greyhound lovers. And, of course, it's always nice to see old friends and to make new ones.

The silent auction was popular and raffle tickets sold really well, especially for the life size Sandicast greyhound, generously donated by Sandra Brue, the artist.

Competition was fierce for the coveted trophies and judging was a real challenge. The "Best Looking" categories were especially difficult to judge. It wasn't easy trying to make a choice between so many nice looking, well cared for, greyhounds.

We hope to see you all next year.


We'd like to thank everyone who contributed to the success of our 1999 Walk-A Thon.

Volunteers, Mark and Kerri, once again handled all the arrangements with the park, marked the trails, hung the signs and even manned the water stops. We really appreciate all they've done to benefit the GPA's greyhounds.

Forty-one walkers raised over $4200 and an additional $1500 was donated by people wishing to help but unable to participate in the walk-a-thon.

Prizes and gift certificates were divided between the top three walkers.

We'd also like to thank our sponsors for their generous contributions of products, gift certificates, or cash.

Hopefully we'll see even more of you at the 2000 Walk-A-Thon.


Every year a group representing GPA marches in the annual Christmas parade through Middleboro center.

We usually have several families and their greyhounds take part in the parade, but last year's turnout was embarassingly small. We would hate to have to stop doing the parade due to a lack of interest.

The greyhounds seem to enjoy themselves and the spectators really enjoy seeing the dogs, especially when they're "dressed up".

If you are interested in walking in the parade, call Millie(617)472-4055 or E-Mail us and we'll send you all the necessary info.


GPA Mass would like to say "thank you" to everyone who has contributed so generously to our organization.

Whether your contributions are large or small, monetary donations, kennel supplies, dog food, participation in fund-raisers or "meets or greets", you make it possible for us to continue our efforts on behalf of the greyhounds.

At this time, we would like to send out a special thank you to Pat for her donations of innumerable kennel supplies and a file cabinet, to the Landolfis for faithfully contributing raffle prizes and to the Basile family for their work on our Spring Dinners in Braintree.

Last, but not least, we would like to thank everyone who has continued their Jubilee Pledge Books. If you would like to start a new Jubilee Book or would like more information, please E-mail us. We can't tell you the peace of mind these monthly donations bring!


Millie is in the process of lining up the dogs who will represent GPA at our biggest "meet and greet" of the year- The Boston Pet Expo.

If your greyhound is friendly, as most are, and you enjoy talking to people about your adoption experience, you might like to spend a couple of hours at our booth.

The thousands who visit the Expo during the two day period, find the hall filled with rescue groups, breed clubs, exotic pets, a cat show, a petting zoo, demonstrations and vendors selling anything and everything related to pets.

The GPA booth will have many items for sale so you can begin your holiday shopping early.

Our friend Chuck Cawley,"caricaturist extrodinaire" will be there again this year. Chuck donates whatever he makes to GPA. So, if your kicking yourself for not having a picture done at the reunion, don't miss out again.

The Expo is held at The Bayside Expo Center and the dates are Oct. 30&31.

If you would like further info feel free to E-Mail us.


Even though there's not much said about our annual holiday raffle, it's a very important fund-raiser for GPA.

Due to the threat of inclement weather in the winter months, we refrain from planning any get-togethers. The proceeds from the raffle help to tide us over until Spring.

Inevitably, adoptions drop right along with the temperatures. This, of course, means a corresponding drop in donations.

Unfortunately, there's no drop in the number of greyhounds retiring so we need your help this time of year.

Feel free to E-Mail us for tickets.

Thanks from all the pups!!!


It won't be much longer now until our buddies start shivering every time they go out the door. If your greyhound is among the many that hate the cold weather, you may want to order a coat to keep him or her warm this winter.

Warm ,water repellent coats in almost any color can be custom made to fit your dog. In certain colors, a matching , one piece collar/leash combo, is also available.

For further info on any of our custom made coats, please E-Mail us. You may need your dogs correct size, do this by measuring your dog from the base of the neck to the end of the back. Fabric and ribbon samples are available.


Please send us your e-mail address and you'll be among the first to know anything that's going on at GPA Mass. Be sure to send your name, street address and e-mail address.


1 bottle pure aloe vera gel

5 drops Vitamin E oil

5 drops Melaleuca (Australian tea tree) oil

Mix thoroughly in a resealable container. Warm some in hands, then rub into dog's skin- moving in the direction that the fur grows. Keep away from eyes and face. Gently brush with a curry comb or soft brush after rubdown. None of the ingredients are toxic. The tea tree oil is a narural fungicide, germicide and insect repellent and can be bought at health food stores.

Submitted by Maureen Duttry


Your GPA reps are always willing to answer questions about your greyhound, to the best of our abilities, and to try to help you sort out any problems you may encounter.

But, please be aware that none of us has had any veterinary training what so ever. In fact, in many instances, the best advice we can possibly give you is to call your vet's office, where you can speak to someone properly trained to answer your questions.

As a responsible adoption agency, we will never, knowingly, adopt out an unhealthy greyhound. As a responsible pet owner, it's up to you to provide your dog with proper vet care when needed.

Call the vet when your dog exhibits any of the following symptoms:

loss of teeth, bad breath, inflamed gums

pale or bleeding gums

discharge or odor from eyes, nose or ears

loss of appetite


sudden weight loss or gain

coughing or sneezing

limping, lameness, reluctance to move

signs of pain or discomfort

change in behavior

frequent vomiting

You and your vet should work as a team to keep your dog in good health. By doing so, chances are that your dog will live a long and happy life.


Graphics by Bimsan