Greyhound Care

Adjustment Period

Recognizing the adjustment period and successfully managing it is a very important part of any greyhound adoption. It must be remembered that becoming a pet involves a dramatic change in routine which can be stressful for a greyhound and he must be given time to adjust to his new surroundings.

Give your pet time to get settled and don't worry about any odd behavior during the first few weeks. Your love, patience and understanding will help your greyhound through this adjustment period which usually lasts from a few days to a few weeks.

Greyhounds are friendly affectionate dogs who thrive on attention and human companionship and make terrific pets once they get used to their new homes. Raised with their littermates, where they competed for affection, greyhounds love becoming the center of attention as pets.


Provide your greyhound with as soft a bed as possible. Greyhounds not only love comfort, they require it, as they have very little padding on their elbows and can develop a fluid condition if forced to sleep on a hard surface.

You will be surprised at how quickly your greyhound becomes attached to you, and what a difference your presence makes to him. Do not shut your greyhound in a separate room to sleep--he will prefer to sleep in the same room with you. He'll feel more secure and is less likely to cry or cause damage.


Greyhounds are extremely sensitive animals who cannot be disciplined roughly. A stern tone of voice should be all that is needed to keep your greyhound off the sofa or bed if you do not want him there. The wrong disciplinary tactics will only teach your dog to be afraid of you.

Other Pets

Your greyhound should get along with other dogs as he has had lots of "socialization" experience in the racing kennel. Take care, however, to watch them carefully at first as the "old dog" may be jealous of the newcomer.

Always separate your dogs when feeding them. Dogs can get very feisty over food.

Many of our greyhounds live in homes with cats and get along well with them. They should, however, be introduced carefully. When introducing your greyhound to your cat, put the dog's muzzle on him. Then put them in the same room and allow them to get acquainted. Don't push it and don't be overly concerned. If the dog chases the cat, the cat will probably swat him and the dog will learn he's not dealing with a "bunny". When the dog no longer chases the cat, take the muzzle off.


In retirement, a greyhound's exercise needs are no different than any other dog's. Your greyhound should be taken on three or four short walks daily on a regular schedule so he can relieve himself. It helps during the initial adjustment period to keep your greyhound well-exercised to work off his tension and nervous energy.

If your greyhound does any stenuous running, give him a chance to relieve himself afterwards and again about an hour later to prevent kidney tie-up.

NEVER take your greyhound outside without his leash on. He may become confused and run away or he may chase a cat, squirrel, or other small animal. He does not know about traffic and if permitted off the leash is likely to run into the street and be hit by a car.

Your dog is a sighthound, which means he hunts by sight, not scent. He can see for a distance of half a mile and can run at forty miles an hour. If he sees the neighbor's cat(or other small animal)in the distance, he will not only chase it, he will probably catch it.


A greyhound's diet consists of about four to six cups of dry meal mixed withsome beef or canned dog food in warm water to form a "stew". A dash of vegetable oil is added for a shiny coat. Vegetables can also be mixed in.

Avoid giving "treats", as these will turn your greyhound into a beggar and a finicky eater. A dog biscuit given at the same time every day is OK. Keep fresh water available at all times.

Vet Care

Your greyhound should have a complete booster shot and heartworm test immediately upon adoption, and once a year thereafter. He may also require a rabies shot as kennel dogs are not required to have these in some states.