Website de Nizza. Ringraziamenti per lasciarlo firmare il vostro guestbook
- 11/28/98 18:30:53 | Comments: Hi! Visited your page today and feeling sorry that we're not at the christening of Daniel - hope everyone had a nice visit (assume you were there) and a glorious thanksgiving. Judy & Ken |
- 11/28/98 18:30:02 | Comments: Hi! Visited your page today and feeling sorry that we're not at the christening of Daniel - hope everyone had a nice visit (assume you were there) and a glorious thanksgiving. Judy & Ken |
Mary Lloyd - 10/22/98 06:03:08 My URL:Sorry, don't have one. My How did you find my page?: Your e-mail invitation Do you have kids?: Son & Daughter, grown-up, and 5 Grandkids =) Do you have pets?: Whippet, Annie & Chow, Buddy | Comments: Hi Kathy, Such a great idea! Your little boys are even cuter than your pets! You've really done wonders with your house, you must be proud. I'm really pleased at how patient our little Whippet, Annie, is with our Grandkids. They range in age from 10 years to 5's wonderful to be retired and have time to play with them. =) |
Bridget Meads - 10/15/98 20:31:51 My URL: My How did you find my page?: Whippet list link Do you have kids?: 1 step daughter 25! Do you have pets?: Jasmine 14 weeks, Flippet 7 weeks, (both Whippies, Gemini elderly cat, Bonnie elderley Westie | Comments: Lovely to see your family having read so much about them, I love the dogs comments following your messages. I had thought that Sam (Where's my dinner?) was a Whippie, just goes to show, I shouldn't assume! He, like the Whips, looks great, they reflect you care! Well done! |
Doris Pengelly - 09/28/98 02:45:16 My Email:you know it How did you find my page?: you e-mailed me Do you have kids?: one - Lewis - whom you already know Do you have pets?: one - Taxi the beagle | Comments: Love the pickies of the boys |
Greg Pengelly - 09/24/98 05:01:57 My URL: My Email:you already know How did you find my page?: you told me Do you have kids?: yep, Lewis Do you have pets?: yep, one dog called Taxi | Comments: Hi Kreegers things starting to cool down over there? GP |
Greg Pengelly - 09/24/98 04:55:42 My URL: My Email:you already know How did you find my page?: you told me Do you have kids?: yep, Lewis Do you have pets?: yep, one dog called Taxi | Comments: Hi Kreegers things starting to cool down over there? GP |
Debbie Coffman - 09/23/98 16:46:24 | Comments: It was really neat to get a close up view of your and Darrin's life. The bathroom scene was especially good. Ha! Deb |
Paula Livingston - 09/23/98 15:13:01 My How did you find my page?: That husband of yours Do you have kids?: Yes - Andrea and Nick, which at times is 2 too many! Do you have pets?: 1 stray cat and Andrea's fish | Comments: Your own home page - I like it! Thanks for sharing your family and renovation photos. Looks like the house has come a long way over the past several years. |
Sue Lopes - 09/15/98 02:31:18 My URL:/coloseum/park/5281 and 5283 My How did you find my page?: you emailed me! Do you have kids?: two Do you have pets?: only stray lizards and birds | Comments: Your pictures have displayed well! ..and I learnt a bit about whippets too. |
Michelle Aldrich - 09/14/98 02:32:27 My How did you find my page?: You emailed me!!! Do you have kids?: 2 step monsters Do you have pets?: 2 dogs | Comments: Hi, I'll send you a decent email soon!! love shell |
Jock Macneish - 09/11/98 10:09:52 My URL: My How did you find my page?: you sent it to me Do you have kids?: used to , they grew up. Do you have pets?: one cat called "troubles" | Comments: Congratulations Kathy and Darren, your very own home page, next thing you'll have your own network. |
Patience Renzulli - 09/11/98 01:23:52 My How did you find my page?: whippet-talk Do you have kids?: all grown up! Do you have pets?: 6 whippets 1 lab 4 horses 5 barn cats | Comments: Great site - adorable kids - Agnes looks like she is doing GREAT. You should be really proud. |
Sheila Elwin - 09/10/98 21:15:35 My How did you find my page?: via Whippet-talk Do you have kids?: nope Do you have pets?: 2 dignified kitties and 1 maniac whippet puppy | Comments: Thanks for sharing your babies' pics. |
Chris Hatcher - 09/10/98 02:27:54 My How did you find my page?: on whippet-talk Do you have kids?: well ... 5 of the 4 legged varity Do you have pets?: yes, 5 | Comments: Very neat page and thanks for being a wonderful pet owner! |
John Green - 09/09/98 23:25:41 My URL: My How did you find my page?: Kathy told me Do you have kids?: 2 plus one grand-daughter Do you have pets?: Our dog is a Great Dane-Labrador-Greyhound cross | Comments: Kathy- great site! all best wishes - how many ghosts do you have in your house? Greetings to the family from Sydney, Australia. |
Katherine - 09/09/98 14:29:33 My How did you find my page?: link from Whippet talk list Do you have kids?: no Do you have pets?: Whippets of course | Comments: I enjoyed all the photos onyour page, and the very typical Whippet poses! Sam looks like he has some English Springer spaniel in him. Holly and Agnes look delightfully spoiled:^) Great job. |
Heather Fero - 09/09/98 07:36:02 My How did you find my page?: your announcement on the whippet list Do you have kids?: Yes 2 girl almost 2, Freya and boy 4 Phelan Do you have pets?: yes, 8 Whippets a Boxer and soon a Borzoi | Comments: Hi you know agnes looks alot like Mariah, I think I have mentioned her before on the list. She came out of Tenesee, Anyway I just stopped by because I was interested in the dogs I have heard so muck about. I didn't realize you were from Australia. one of our whippets ond our future addition Borzoi pup both came from Victoria. I live in Hawaii so fetting them from there let me avoid quarintine. |
Helen Brettell - 09/09/98 03:35:26 My How did you find my page?: whippet list Do you have kids?: grown up variety Do you have pets?: several | Comments: Your Whippet girls are beautiful. Especially the white one, but the other little girl has a really cute face. I think your house is great and it must be really satisfying to renovate it like that. Nice kitchen. Nice bathtub. Cute guys! |
Linda Stone - 09/09/98 02:40:25 My How did you find my page?: Whippet-Talk Do you have pets?: 2 dogs | Comments: I came to see the dog pictures, but loved the remodeling shots too. Do you ever get Country Sampler Decorating Ideas magazine? (Different from the regular Country Sampler). It has great projects with very simple instructions, and it's not all country s uff. I love decorating. Nice page. Linda |
Nancy McRae - 07/21/98 20:44:16 My How did you find my page?: whippet discussion group Do you have kids?: one on the way! Do you have pets?: 1 whippet, 2 cats | Comments: Thanks for the updates and photos of Agnes from KC! She's beautiful, and what a happy ever after story she could tell! My husband and I live in Minneapolis and have recently become Whippet devotees, having acquired a wonderful 8 month old male whippet who'd been turned back to his breeder (annoying disposable doggy story--their loss, our gain.) Meantime, I'm learning lots lurking on the Whippet discusson group. I particularly enjoy Holly's little asides when you sign off on your emails. Quite entertaining! |
Sue Carbajal - 07/21/98 17:26:54 My How did you find my page?: Whippet-Talk Do you have kids?: Yes Do you have pets?: Yes | Comments: So glad to see your girl is doing well. I love my four Whippets so much--it is heartbreaking to see one in distress. Bless you and all who worked to save her. |
Melody - 07/16/98 17:53:49 My URL: My How did you find my page?: I made it Do you have kids?: Zachary age 5 1/2 and Kristina age 6 months Do you have pets?: 2 Whippets and 2 cats | Comments: I have really enjoyed making your homepage for you. I hope that you enjoy it. If anyone else that reads this thinks they would like me to make theirs, please e-mail me and ask. I may be able lto help out. Have a nice day. |