This is Sam & Holly
I think Holly works on the theory that she is ours & Sam is hers - even though he is 4 years older than her (not to mention 50 lbs heavier!)

I have 3 dogs total -
Sam the mutt - (we should have called him 'Tonto - my faithful companion' because he follows me around like a big black & white shadow).

Holly the Whippet - One of the reasons Holly was a pet sale I think rather than a show dog is those ears - they flap around like antennae - I know they're not supposed to go straight up but they do!

Agnes the Whippet - KC shelter whippet I adopted 2 weeks ago
No-one is really sure how she ended up in the shelter in Kansas City. She was there for nearly a week before Libby Rice (a local whippet rescue person) was allowed to take her home - all the time she had a large gash down the front of her right leg. When Libby finally got her to her vet, they found that her leg had been broken but had healed straight so they left it alone. Also, the gash had been left unattended for too long, so it couldn't be sewn or stapled together. Libby spent a lot of time & energy debriding it each day, soaking it, and generally keeping it clean while the skin grew back over. Part of the reason why you can't see the scar is that her skin is so dark it just blends in. If you look closely you can kind of make out a shiny portion of skin above her ankle & a little to the left - that is the main scar tissue. She also has a scar along the inside of that leg which is more noticeable as it is still pink. Her right ankle is a little larger than the left - probably because of the calcification from the break. She gets half a Glyco-Flex twice a day to ward off any upcoming arthritis though I probably don't have to worry about that for a while yet. She still has lots of speed however and sprinting on it doesn't worry her any more - I don't think that she has limped at all in the last week or so. She did a 3 mile run with my husband and the other dogs on Monday morning with no ill effects.

This is Agnes and Holly

My Christmas present
Dec. '96

Sam in the snow
Jan. '93

Sam & Holly in our bedroom
Jan. '93

Holly in a typical whippet pose

Holly in a 'proper' whippet pose

Sam, Holly & Kirby
early 1995

Sam & Luke
Oct. '97

the family on the couch
winter '97

a very patient whippet
winter '97

new window & new whippet
Holly, Agnes, Kathy & Sam
July '98

Agnes & Luke - getting along just fine
August '98

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