Tarantula Links

Societies and Organizations
Tarantula Sites on the Web
Tarantula Dealers
Online Resources, Utilities, etc.
Helpful Tools and Products

Societies and Organizations

American Tarantula Society, the: Great prices on pets, lots of info, and home of the ATS Forum magazine.

Brittish tarantula Society: This is one of the biggest tarantula societies out there, and the website is just as good!

South & West Tarantula Society (England): Contains info about the organization, a gallery, and info on crickets and locusts, plus much more.

Spider Club of South Africa: An arachnological club.

Terrarium Club Limburg: Belgium terra society.

Tarantula Sites on the Web

AmazingReptiles.com: Not just about reptiles, but tarantulas too! Best quality pics on the internet of various tarantula species.New!

Anansi's Voice from Asia: See the Japanese side of tarantulas; excellent page.

ArachnoCity: Good information, especially on the social behavior of Poecilotheria.

Arachnoculture (not the dealer): links to other arachnid pages, especially scorpions; neat graphics!

Arachnoholic: Michael Clemo's personal page about his tarantulas. Offers to sell a few species as well as inform us about his breeding projects.

Arachnology Home Page, the: if you are looking for good arachnid links, scientific stuff I mean, this is the place; over a thousand links!

Chris's Tarantula page: Another great page; if you need to know about keeping spiderlings, this is the place to be.

Darla Kay's Arachnid Links: one of the most comprehensive list of links to arachnids on the WWW.

DMS Reptiles and Arachnids: has some quick tips, Deen's collection, and a few paragraphs on individual species as well as animals for sale.

Jason's Tarantula Web: here's a good one with info on G. rosea and A. avicularia.

Jordan's Arachnid Page: this page contains some original links and good general information, and lots more.

Minax Tarantulas: Available in Swedish or English. Contains exellent biology and care info, as well as a great picture gallery and many good speceis caresheets.

My Tarantula: A site dedicated to a fellow's pet tarantulas, and his experience swith them. You might pick up some useful information here, never know! Really nice pics of spiderlings here.

Petbugs: (oh boy..) Offers a bulliten board, online auction, active chat room, bags of links, and much more. This is definately one of the top arachnid sites out there!

Singapore Tarantula Page (in English): Contains tarantula care, species caresheets, and links; more to come!

Species List: A list of all known species, and a short description or subfamilies.

Spiders are Beautiful People! Sure are! Great site, very informative about arachnids in general. Use the pull down menu at the bottom of the page to navigate the site.New!

Stanley Schultz's Arachnid Page: A great bibliography for tarantulas; buy Stan's new book on tarantulas!

Tarantula Burrow, the: Chat rooms, bulliten boards, good info, and home of the Arachnid Web Ring

Tarantula Dreams: Mike Howell lists caresheets for eight different species.

Taranutals Online: Great site that catagorizes species by alphebetically order and contintental origin (Asia, North America, etc.) Also includes taxanomy and evolutionary information. Great for both scientific and pet research.New!

Tarantula Store, The:This is a collector in Swindon, UK. They have a good variety of bugs in their collection and a list of their breeding projects; a few extras for sale. Neet photos of breeding/moulting/etc. Good site, definately worth a look! New!

Tarantula World: Contains basic care, millipede care, chat, message board, and cricket and hissing cockroach breeding info

Tarantula and Rainforest Homepage: Contains a few pictures and a video on T. blondi avaiable for purchase.

Terence's Tarantula Page: Terence gives us a huge list of pictures. Also available is his personal list of wanted and for sale. Warning, warning.. Terence is one of those Canadians!

Troll Quality Tarantulas: Fantastic pictures of rare species taken by Thomas Ezendam and Yann Evenou, and many others, as well as some by Mike Troll!

Tarantula Dealers

Arachnocentric: Bryant is an old timer in the business, and offers a good range of species with an easy to use form right on his website.

e-spidderworld.com: John Hoke has created a great site dedicated to bringing pictures and information about individual species. He also has an extensive for sale list.New!

Glades Herp: Glades is one of the oldest, most reputable dealers out there. Check them out.

Pet Center USA: Paul Becker offers a good selection of tarantulas, as well as other arthropods for pretty good prices.

Reptile and Arachnokulture: A great source for rare species. Exellent selection.

Spiderpatch: Darwin offers birth certificates with his spiderlings! Great online support, and all captive bread animals for those of you who have problems with wild caught pets (like me).

Swift's Invertebrates: Kelly offers a great selection of tarantulas and other arthropods.

Tarantulaspiders.com: This is Todd Gearheart's new website. He's a dealer, esporter/importer, breeder, and whole saler. Lots of good info from one of the top breeders in the pet tarantula bizz.New!

West Coast Zoological: many things besides tarantulas for sell. Located in Florida, but international orders are welcome!

Worldwide Exotics: Dixie is known to be one the most helpful dealers on the market.

Online Resources, Utilities, etc.

Arachnids Arena: The E-zine run by Marin Overton. Catch the latest news, caresheets, articles, and much more for free!

Arachnid For Sale/Wanted List: The Yahoo mailing list to buy and sell your arachnids and related items.

Arachnid World Mailing List: Join now, its free on Yahoo! Topics are mainly on a hobbyist level. If you're a tarantula pet owner, join this mailing list today!

Arachnid-Pix: The Yahoo group dedicated to posting and viewing pictures of arachnids, mostly tarantulas. Huge membership, and worth joining.

Arachnid World Mailing List: Join now, its free on Yahoo! Topics are mainly on a hobbyist level. If you're a tarantula pet owner, join this mailing list today!

ATS - Enthusiast: This is the ATS's version of the Arachnid World Mailing list. Not as big, but still a good place to get your questions answered.

Bulliten Board (Doug's Tarantula Page @ petbugs.com): The most widely used place to sell, buy, and find mates for your tarantulas (not for answering care questions). Both USA and International boards available.

Burrow Chat: The bulliten board to post questions.

Petbugs Arachnid Discussion Forum: A popular board to get your questions answered.

Helpful Tools and Products

Custom Vivaria: One hell of a site for custom spider and reptile cages. The arboreal cages are the best thing since sliced bread. Burrow cages soon to come (and I could use one or two of those).

A place to buy deli cups: World Wide Exotics offers deli cups with lids great for housing all your little spiderlings!

Black Jungle Terrarium Supplies: The only place I can find to buy cork bark!

Blackwidow Clothing: Want a P. regalis t-shirt!? How about a scorpion shirt? This is your supplier of tarantula t-shirts!

Invertebrate Magazine: I haven't ordered it myself, but the front picture is a close up of a tarantula eating a pinky mouse. Got to be great, right?New!

Webbings Magazine: Bimonthly magazine run by Todd Gearheart; only $20 for those in the U.S. Definately recommended.


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