(All species pages contain links. Pages that contain other info will have a note by the species name.)
Aphonoplema anax (Texas tan tarantula)
Aphonopelma chalcodes (desert blond tarantula)
Aphonopelma seemanni (Costa Rican zebra tarantula)caresheet by Martin Overton (Originally published in "The Arachnid Arena")
Avicularia urticans (Peruvian pinktoe tarantula)caresheet by Luc Ross
Avicularia velutina (Trinidad pink toe tarantula)caresheet (mainly breeding) by Jay Patterson
Avicularia vericolor (Antilles pinktoe tarantula)caresheet by Luc Ross
Brachypelma albopilosum (curlyhair tarantula)caresheet by Nigel Carter
Brachypelma angustum (Costa Rican red tarantula)caresheet by Nigel Carter
Brachypelma boehmei (Mexican fireleg tarantula)caresheet by Nigel Carter
Brachypelma emilia (Mexican redleg tarantula)caresheet by Martin Overton (Originally published in "The Arachnid Arena")
Brachypelma smithi (Mexican redknee tarantula)caresheet by Nigel Carter
Brachypelma vagans (Mexican redrump tarantula)caresheet by Nigel Carter
Ceratogyrus bechuanicus (curvedhorn tarantula)caresheet
Ceratogyrus brachycephalus (greaterhorned tarantula)
Ceratogyrus cornuatus (straighthorned tarantula)
Certogyrus darlingi (African horned tarantula)caresheet by Martin Overton (Originally published in "The Arachnid Arena")
Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens (greenbottle blue tarantula)
Citharischius crawshayi (king baboon tarantula)
Cyclosternum fasciatum (Costa Rican tigerrump tarantula)
Cyriopagopus paganuscaresheet by Richard Blauman
Cyriopagopus thorelli (Malaysian earth tiger tarantula)
Grammostola pulchra (Brazilian black tarantula)
Grammostola rosea/cala/spatulata (Chilean rose tarantula)picture/caresheet
Haplopelma lividum (Cobalt Blue)picture/caresheet
Halpopelma minax (Thialand black tarantula)
Haplopelma schmidti
Heteroscodra masculata (Togo starburst tarantula)
Hysterocrates gigas (Camaroon red tarantula)
Hysterocrates hercules (African goliath tarantula)caresheet by Richard Blauman
Hysterocrates scepticus (Sao Tome Giant Olive-Brown Baboon)caresheet by Todd Gearheart
Lasiodora parahybana (Brazilian salmon tarantula)caresheet by Rhys Brigida
Lasiodorides polycuspulatus (Peruvian blond tarantula)
Lasiodorides striatus caresheet by Richard Blauman
Pamphobeteus antinous (Bolivian blueleg tarantula)caresheet by Richard Blauman
Pamphobeteus fortis (Columbian brown tarantula)
Phoneyusa manicata (Principia Olive-Black Baboon)caresheet by Todd Gearheart
Poecilotheria fasciata (Sri Lankan ornamental tarantula)caresheet by Martin Overton (Originally published in "The Arachnid Arena")
Poecilotheria regalis (Indian Ornamental tarantula)
Poecilotheria subfuscata (ivory ornamental tarantula)
Psalmopoeus cambridgei (Trinidad chevron tarantula)caresheet by Martin Overton (Originally published in "The Arachnid Arena")
Psalmopoeus irminia (suntiger tarantula)
Pterinochilus murinus (Mombasa golden starburst tarantula)caresheet by Martin Overton (Originally published in "The Arachnid Arena")
Stromatopelma calceatum
(featherleg tarantula)
Tapinauchenius plumipes (Trinidad mahogany tarantula)caresheet by Martin Overton (Originally published in "The Arachnid Arena")
Theraphosa blondi (Goliath Bird Eater)caresheet
The Burrow's Tarantula Search: Tarantula Search Over 700 species listed; includes pictures, husbandry, author, locality, common and Latin name(s) and other information.
Other Tarantula Searches:
Tarantula Search: Scientific/common names, pictures, author, and other info.
ArachnoFiles: This is an open forum with little regulation; good info as well as bad.
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