Two Pea's in a Pod (and one baby pea)

Family is very important to me and my family. We feel that it is something that it is one of the most sacred things on earth and irreplaceable!Through hard times and less hard times my small family has made it through and the ties that unite us have become stronger and unbreakable. There is a Clint Black song that says that he and his wife are so close that you can't tell where he ends and she begins. To me this is beautiful and I think you'll find evidence of this same closeness as you wander through my family's websites.

My Homepage ProprtyUSM's Tiny Corner of the Web -My personal website. Come in and learn about me and my interests...the Marine Corps, writing, children and more!
Me and Mommy My Daughter's Children's Page - I created this page for my 6 yr old. Come and read the journal of her experiences as a military brat and explore the things she loves most!
USMCTuba's Music Stand My husband's page dedicated to his 3 favorite things his daughter, music and the USMC.
Our Miracle
This page is dedicated to our own miracle! After 3 yrs infertility we are proud to announce the birth of our beautiful baby boy!
 A project dedicated to helping support and encourage deployed or injured recruits and deployed Marines through mail and carepackages.
 a website in honor of military kids and the unique challenges that face them. It also provides new ways to face those challenges.
 this network was created to support all aspects of the Marine Corps family through support, mailing lists, advice and more
If you've been here before you know I simplified this page down ALOT! This page also used to list all of the pages within my site. These are now listed on the first page of ProprtyUSM's Tiny Corner of the Web!

Well enjoy! Feel free to look around and tell me what you think. Advice is always welcome. Have fun and please check out the more serious sites too. Thanks!