Welcome To The

On the main page you saw a list of anecdotes which are the most recent submissions from our members. This is where we have archived all of the previous anecdotes which we have recieved to date.
Enjoy! As you read though here you may even think of other ones we don't have yet. SUBMIT THEM! All it takes is a simple E-mail to Netheadz.
- you are here!
- if you break into a sweat if your server goes down for extended periods!
- if your kids ask for money when you are on the 'puter and you just hand them your wallet and say "take what you need"!
- you miss your 'net friends more than your real friends!
- your hours of sleep start becoming null and void!
- you are buying more coffee to stay up "just one more minute"!
- you say you aren't but know you are!
- you come down with a case of tendonitis in your wrist(s) from all the "mousing" around!
- you sit all night surfing in search for that "one" font that will make your greeting card look soooo cool!
- you get up in the middle of the night to check for messages even though you turned the pc off only an hour earlier!
- you get up for work with plenty of time to spare, go online for "just a minute" and OOOPS!!! YOU'RE LATE for work!!!
- you talk to your 'puter as if it were a person, and expect a verbal response!
- you begin to miss your chat friends that you don't even really know!
- you sit on front of the computer, waiting for someone to get off the phone!
- a bad dream wakes you and you turn to the net for comfort!
- you want to yell at the kids for something but you decide to calm down by going online!
- your 'puter cleanliness is more importan than that of your home!
- your family and friends call you by your 'net nickname!
- your phone rings and you get mad cause you are "online"!
- you're surfing and searching for something really important when ICQ messages start to come in, suddenly they are more important!
- your boss can only get your answering machine because you are "online"!
- your husband asks if he can buy an expensive tool while you are in a chat and you say yes...the bill arrives and you can't remember him asking!
- all vacations revolve around people you have met online!
- you've just celebrated New Years and the next time you go outside you have a lawn and the flowers are blooming!
- you refer to all your online friends as "my friends" in a conversation and never really volunteer what friends you are referring to!
- you respond in real life conversation with... LOL, ROFLMAO, etc!
- you get on the 'net before you get dressed!
- you wake up in the morning with your head stuck to your keyboard!
- you get up in the middle of the night for a drink of water and find yourself online!
- you only have one phone line and you never hear the phone ring!
- you dream about the programs you put on your webpage, about your chat friends, and talk to them when you are alone!
- you leave your 'puter on 24/7 and connected to the 'net just so you can see who is on ICQ and check your E-mail right away!
- you talk in 'net shorthand like "Hey! BRB or STFU!
- someone asks your address and you respond "123.Maple.Street@Witchata.Kansas.67204"!
- you spend the entire flight with the laptop on the tray table and the baby in the overhead compartment!
- talking to your online friends is more important than going to the bathroom!
- you hug your puter every morning!
- your spouse has to "ICQ" you just so he/she can have a conversation with you!
- you come home adn call your puter honey and baby and expect it to cook dinner!
- if your eyes flicker regularly!
- you get up in the middle of the night and thiink you have to go to the bathroom and sit in the computer chair!
- all your dreams are held in an IRC chat window!
- you are captured by the lure of the net!
- you spend every waking hour glued to the screen until your butt rebels, your eyes blurr, and the kids say "who ARE you?"
- you're a comput-a-holic!
- you just can't stop surfing while it is already 4AM!
- you are actually filling out this form!
- if the kids don't get fed for a couple of days!
- the only friends you have anymore have ICQ numbers instead of addresses and phone numbers!
- Instead of laughing at your friends joke you say "LOL"!
- you spend as of your time surfing on net or chatting in a chat room!
- you are here!
- you miss chat friends you don't really know!
- your icq breaks down and you are devastated!
- you run through a new keyboard every 6 weeks!
- you would rather cyber with someone than do hte real thing!
- you must get on the net as soon as you walk in the door!
- you get cranky if you don't get to talk with net friends!
- you wake up to realize that you fell asleep while waiting for someone to chat with!
- you think about your next puter upgrade while your friends are talking about sex!
- you can't go a day without having an on-line experience!
- all of the above!
- you join this club!
- you count W's jumping over your puter to go to sleep!
- you hit the keys on your microwave just to hear that electronic beep!
- you know what http:// means!
- you don't think of spiders when someone mentions "the web"!
- the phone rings and you totally ignore it because you are in a chat!
- the first thing you do in the morning is turn on the puter THEN let the dog out!
- you check your E-mail and there is nothing there, then you check again just to make sure!
- your refrigerator is empty because you refuse to leave the house and your puter!
- you start having the "shakes" when your puter crashes!
- you jump across the counter and threaten the poor technician who is trying to fix your puter and he has only had it for 5 minutes!
- you kiss your puter g'night and not your significant other!
- you find yourself calculating the time in Budapest, Athens, Memphis, and other parts of the world so you know when to check your E-mail!
- you need 3 different jobs to pay for the phone bills! (darn! who the hell told me that a job in Poland would be cool???)
- well, actually, now that i have joined and am amongst friends then i don't need to worry about it anymore... right?...RIGHT!!! :)
- if yor kids say "MOM! It's our turn now!"
- most all of the above!
- you only get 3 hours of sleep out of 24!
- your ISP pays "YOU" to disconnect once in a while!
- you spend 12 or more hours a day on ICQ!
- you spell everything out in your head before you say it!
- while adding new software you loose your browser and E-mail program and write friends from another puter to say "I'm in REHAB...having detox sessions for E-mail ADDICTION! Right now I am experiencing withdrawl and hope everyone will pray for me!"
- if you wake up at 3AM and instead of heading to the john, you sit down in front of the puter!
- you get backaches from standing up!
- you are 3 weeks into the internet and TOTALLY hooked! (yeah we all been there!)
- you can't think of anything else!
- you kick the dog out of the way to get to the PC!
- you turn on the puter even before ou go to the bathroom in the morning!
- you realize you have to take time out to fill out this form!
- you can see the monitor from the bathroom!
- you schedule your nighttime activities around your chat schedule!
- you would rather "surf" than have "sex"!
- your kids ask "when is supper?" and you say in a minute, the next thing you know it is morning and the kids are asking where is breakfast?
- you notice your husband has a beard and 3 months ago he didn't !
- you say LOL to your net friends instead of laughing out loud!
- you can't sleep at night because you are online!
- you *smile*, *hug*, and *kiss* your net friends more than you do your real family!
- you hurriedly splice together the phone line your puppy chewed so you can "surf" before you go to work!
- you have a carpenter install a toilet where the puter chair used to sit so you don't have to stop chatting!
- you give up drinking beer so you can pay for online access!
- you have guests over for dinner and you call them to all come and see the URL you just recieved!
- your spouse calls you puter your "mistress"!
- you fall asleep thinking about the last web site ou were on!
- all of your friends and family can only find you online!
- you have your quadraphonic Bose 901 speakers hooked up to your pc!
- your puter starts to talk back to you!
- you absolutely, positively have to answer and forward your E-mail before you go to bed!
- you wake up and start hitting links before you wsh your face and link all day without stopping till you pass out!
- you start screaming "LOL", "LOL", when you see something funny!
- you crash your car into a power pole and automatically start looking for the "BACK" button!
- your friends all complian that they can't ring you because the line is always busy, so you put in another line without telling them!
- your child's teacher wonders why he/she is always late for school lately!
- your friends comment that they haven't seen you much lately and you tell them you have been sick...then say "LOL" after they leave because it's this "net sickness"!!
- you and your "IRL" friends get together for a few drinks and only talk abut what you have been doing on the net!
- at the beginning of every conversation with a friend you declare "user is online" and "incoming chat request"!
- you go on vacation and wonder if anyone misses you!
- you try to "sneak" a few minutes on the puter here and there!
- without it you would have no friends!
- you hear "UH-OH" when you close your eyes!
- all you can think of is checking your E-Mail!
- all you can think of is your online boyfriend whom you've never met!
- you spend more than 5 hours a day here!
- you love terrorizing chat rooms!
- you know your friend's E-Mail address but not their real street address!
- writing real letters becomes too much like work!
- your favorites list contains more than 50 URL's!
- you can't remember all the stuff on your web page, much less the stuff on others!
- when your spouse wants to talk to you they have to say "Incoming Chat Request"!
- your best friend tells you they have to get a puter and meet you in Yahoo spades or ICQ just to tell you they are still living!
- you search for a keyboard to type LOL when someone makes you laugh!
- you have a nervous breakdown when you get booted off ICQ!
- you give up you nightly viewing of the Sunset Beach episode you taped earlier so you can stay online!
- you buy 2 cartons of cigarettes a week but only smoke 2 packs because they burn up in the ash tray while you surf or chat!
- you grieve over the loss of a friend who has unsubbed from your list and you find yourself sobbing uncontrollably by your puter!
- you've inherited a bunch of new friends who start to call you "MOM" and you would rather talk to them than your own kids!
- you find yourself laughing uncontrollably while surfing or chatting and turn to see if anyone heard you!
- you finish that last sip of coffee and you've got to take a break from the puter to brew a fresh pot!
- you let your client sit in the reception area while you send one last message to your net friend!
- you no longer bother your husband for money to go shopping!
- you wish your puter chair came with a flushable toilet!
- you talk to...your...spouse in...broken...sentences!
- when your spouse says something funny you say "LOL"!
- you contact a contractor to install a toilet in front of your puter!
- the first thing you turn on in the morning is your puter, even before the coffee!
- you keep going back to a web page and can't find what you want!
- you wake up in the morning and go directly online without blinking!
- you suffer eye strain and not smart enough to know why!
- you simply MUST check your E-Mail after getting in from work!
- you wake up in the morning and think first if you got any interesting E-Mail before you brush your teeth!
- you loose weight because you forget to eat while you are on-line!
- your puter is you "only" friend!
- the guy you are talking to prefers asian women but you talk to him anyway!
- sleep and food come second to gettin on the net!
- you have more than 10 E-Mail addresses!
- you have 6 or more pages of bookmarks!
- your web surfing causes you to forget to eat!
- your spouse says "I now know every detail of the back of your head!
- you have a hospital urinal right next to the puter desk!
- you tell the paramedic to wait 'til you check your E-Mail!
- you set in front of the monitor, mouse in hand, during a power outage!
- you have to buy more memory for your "favorite" places!
- the first thing you do in the morning and the last thing you do at night is check your E-Mail "just one more time"!
- you are thinking of who you might meet on-line!
- your children are listening to you better when you talk to them as someone else on line!
- you are getting along better with your children when you chat with them on-line instead of in person!
- you put dinner in the oven and the next thing you hear is the firemen breaking in the door!
- you break up with someone you've never met and cry uncontrollably for weeks!
- you dream in "chat"!
- your mother has reported you missing to the local precinct because she has been unable to reach you for a month!
- you tell your friends you have been away because you don't want to admit you haven't left the house for 6 months!
- you say you are just calling to chat and say... BRB ...instead of hold on a sec!
- you walk in the door from work, check the "mail", not the real mail (even though you walk right by the mailbox) but the E-Mail!
- you take your keyboard to the bathroom!
- z!
- you can't stay away from the puter for more than 2 hours, and off the net for 20 minutes!
- your spouse left you but you fail to notice until the power is turned off 30 days later! (they always paid the bill)
- you start feeling that your puter is like a child left "HOME ALONE" every time you leave the house!
- your kids run to maom and say "Dad's laughing at his puter again"!
- you're dying to go to work on Monday just because you get free unlimited access to the internet from your office!
- you have more than one 5-subject notebook filled with URL's, info on people you've met on-line, and HTML codes with post-its stuck to the pages!
- you design an entire website devoted to your chatroom friends!
- you use your hands to form and arrow and talk about yourself in 3'rd person!
- you have two phone lines and two internet accounts and actually talk to your live-in significant other on-line!
- you send E-Mail to your live-in significant other!
- you take your puter out to dinner and leave the spouse at home!
- you snail mail stuff back and forth between friends and the mailman looks at you funny, trying to figure out why "Godiva" is mailing stuff to "DragonWhelp"!
- people ask you for your number and you give them your UIN #!
- you know more than 20 ways to make smileys out of ASCI text!
- you'''ve read so many "You know you're an addict if..." that you can't think of anything new so you just rumble on about the ones you heard before and really liked!
- you spend more time on your PC than anything else!
- you have 2 phone lines, and a caller ID box that sits on the monitor for the other so you can decide if the calls coming in are important enough to interrupt your "net surfin'!
- you find yourself telling your work mates all about what your net friend told you!
- when you say at 5AM ... I'll just open "1" more E-Mail and are still there an hour later!
- your stomach is growling because you refuse to go eat something because you want to check out that next link first!
- when you go out with your friends and all you think about is going home and getting on the puter!
you mom has to E-Mail you to get you to come to dinner!
- you can't get off the net and you know you have to go to work in 5 hrs ..... 4 hrs ..... 3 hrs..... 2 hrs ... !
- you become a community leader just to have MORE sites to surf!
- the mailman pounds on your door and demands that you stop writing "http://, www." before the address on all your outgoing mail!
- you're in the middle of a romantic moment and run to check your messages on the 'puter!
- you think it is only 10AM and you look at the clock and it is 4PM!
- you leave your office for lunch and run home home to check your PC!
- netaholic .... what's that? hehehe!
- you know all the E-Mail addresses for your online buddies by heart, and can't remember your mother's phone number!
- your friends know your ICQ # better than your phone number!
- your spouse asks for sex and you give him/her an error message!
- you can't sleep at night unless your PC is on the chair next to your bed and it is turned on!
- your shopping list starts with; 1)new keyboard!
- instead of another phone line line you purchase a cellular phone for regular use because your second phone line is now tied into your second 'puter!
- you turn on the 'puter when you get out of bed in the morning, when you get home in the evening, and when you can't sleep at 3AM!
- you are still on the 'puter at 2AM and you have to be at work at 5AM!
- you eat 3 square meals in front of your 'puter!
- your PC is surrounded with a weeks worth of soda cans!
- you put a "headset telephone" beside your 'puter so you can talk while you type!
- you dream of ways to fix your web page, wake up out of a sound sleep and run to try it out!
- you have to hold yourself back from spending hours on-line just so you can get some work done ... and resent it!
- sleep and food are no longer important!
- you're on holiday ad twice a day you go to the internet cafe just to make sure the internet still exists!
- you kiss you boy/girlfriends homepage!
- you want to name your first born "Lycos"!
- you dream in HTML!
- all your friends have @ in their names!
- you refer to going to the bathroom as "downloading"!
- you name your dog "Browser"!
- you get a tatoo that reads "this body best viewed with Netscape 2.01 or higher"!
- you can't call your mother because she doesn't have a modem!
- you log off and you feel as though you just pulled the plug on a loved one!
- you wake up with a keyboard imprint on you forehead!
- you ask the plumber how much to replace the 'puter chair with a toilet!
- you eyeglasses have website burned into them!
- you step out of your room and find your family has moved and you have no idea what happened!
- your spouse says "the PUTER cannot come to bed"!
- your book marks take more than 15 minutes to scroll!
- you wake at 3AM to go to the bathroom and stop to check your E-Mail!
- your mouse and your hand have become one!
- you put smileys in written letters!
- you keep deleting work applications so you have more room on the hard drive for web and chat programs!
- you don't have a puter but you have WebTV and leave it on night and day!
- your dog has to go outside so bad her eyes are yellow and you say "hold on, just let me make sure this page loads"!
