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Welcome, my fellow Nethead, to Netaholics Anonymous. Glad to see you found us. We, here at Netanon, are confirmed ( or in denial ) Netaholics and... LOVE EVERY MINUTE OF IT!!!
Personally, I, not unlike you, need to know that my 'net connection is up and working every morning before I go to work. Then, when I get home it's; in the door, to the puter and switch it on, go take off the shoes, clean up, get an ice cold soda, sit my butt in front of the puter. I mean how many times have you heard "Don't you EVER get tired of that thing?" I just smile and say "NOPE" and "SWOOSH!", off I go, catching the next modem wave to cyberspace.
Now you probably found us by a link from a current member's site; someone passed you the URL cause they felt, for some odd reason, you needed to become a member; or by searching a search engine, either seeking help for your "addiction" or seaching for a good laugh at yourself. Either way, you found us and we want you to know ... "WE'RE HERE FOR YA!"
This page has been created so that all us "Netheads" have a safe "refuge" from the rough "surf" of cyberspace. We are working toward a goal of providing a site that has "something" for "everybody". So come on, join in and watch us grow!
This site currently contains;
- Input from each Netanon member
- A chat room to chat with other "Netaholics"
- Links to Member's Web Sites
- Personal Web Help for those new to the net or just need a bit of help with their personal web page
As a member of Netaholics Anonymous, you will be entitled to;
- Recieve our newsletter to keep you informed of "Netaholic Happenings"! If you decide after the first issue you don't want to recieve it anymore follow the instructions for unsubscribing at the end of the newsletter.
- Have your web site listed on the "Member's Web Sites" page!
- Have personal input on the Netaholics Anonymous site!
- Be elegible to recieve help from our "Web Helpers" listed on the "Web Help" page!
To join our...uh..."group", simply click on "Join Netanon" below and fill in the form ( takes 1 minute ), submit it and you are true "Netaholic"!

Welcome Back
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When you joined Netaholics Anonymous ( IF YOU DID! ) you were asked to submit a response to the following statement..."You know you are a Netaholic if..." and for good reason. Those anecdotes will become a part of this page. And because those anecdotes come from you, that means you have input into this page, thereby making this, not MY page, but OUR page. So the more people you send to OUR page the more exposure OUR page gets.
We have listed the latest entries from our members below for your enjoyment. This is only a sampling of the entries we have recieved from members. Other entries, and there are quite a few, can be found on our "Anecdotes" page. Check that out too because one or more of these will make you laugh and say "HEY! THAT'S ME!"
- Non-Member Visitors - Have something you would like to add to this list of anecdotes? Join Netanon and submit them!
- Current Netaholic Members - Should you come up with more phrases to add to "You know you are a Netaholic if..." please E-mail them to me so that I may incorporate them.
- your front door mat says "Wel.com Home"
- you start thinking names like Damsel, Gnome, Azz, Astro, etc., are normal...and names like John, Linda, etc., are weird!
- you pick up the phone line whilst it is connected to the net and hear the "schschschsch" sound, you try to communicate with it, and SUCCEED!
- your famous last words are "I'll be off here in just a few more minutes"!
- you get serious withdrawl symptoms after being away from the puter for 10 minutes!
- your next meal is a "virtual" meal!
- you don't finish the wash when it shuts off cause you are still on the puter!
- you have a collection of batch files to repeatedly check for your DNS when your connection goes down!
- you regularly go over 200 hrs. a month and get billed the extra time!
- you can quote HTML tags and attributes from memory!
- you go to jail for not getting an education because you are too busy on the puter!
- you head for the bathroom in the middle of the night and on the way detour to the puter!
- you pay for unlimited hours and your ISP tells you that you have exceeded the hour limit!
- your web page started out on a video game and now contains info on "Dung Beetles"!
- you can spend hours at a time on the puter chatting and surfing and when you need to come up with a zany anecdote your fingers freeze and you stare at the screen!
- you end up peeing your pants cause you're afraid you will miss something if you get up from the puter!
- you are filling out the registration form to Netaholics Anonymous!
- when someone asks you for your address you automatically give them your E-Mail addy!
- your arm is permanetly in mouse clicking position!
- you go outside and are surprized that vegetation still exists!
- you cannot live without the net!
- your friends start to send you get well cards!
- you reach for the delete key to hang up on a person!
- your co-workers stop asking you to go for coffee because all you ever talk about is the "net"!
- you sufferwithdrawl symptoms if you aren't on the puter daily!
- your butt sticks to the desk chair!
- you get up in the middle of the night and make sure you're still securely connected at 56k!
- you have more friends on-line than off-line!
- you should be going to bed, you are sitting in front of the puter until 5 AM before you realize what time it is, yo freek and go "Oh well"!
- you call in sick to work to help an online friend deal with a problem caused by another online friend!
- you burned down the house with that cigarette in the ashtray!
- you wake up and the first thing you do is turn on the puter!
- you say you're only gonna be a few more minutes and that minute turns into hours!
- your baby's first words are "uh-oh"!
- you start writing :) and LOL in your letters in real life!
- you think :-) is really someones face!
- you can't drink a beer at the end of the day cause your hands are too weak from typing!
- you wake up in the middle of the night to check your E-Mail!
- someone asks you for your address and you give them your E-Mail address!
- you talk more to your puter than your spouse!
Special thanks to ALL members for their contributions to this page. Without you and your contributions, us Netaholics wouldn't have this "sanctuary" to surf to!

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since July 8, 1998
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