lizard line

Reptiles and Amphibians

lizard line

Well, here's my contribution to the information on the web about reptiles and amphibians, small though that contribution may be. *s* I intend to put information, care sheets, and things like that about the various species that interest me for one reason or another here, plus whatever else I think might be useful to someone. This page will also have a lot of links to other herp related pages.


First of all, here are glossaries of
Terms Relating to Reptiles and Amphibians
Terms Relating to Color.

Care Sheets

Xenopeltis unicolor, the Sunbeam Snake
Saw a picture of one of these, but couldn't find any info on the net... so I decided to change that. :-)

More to come...

lizard line

Thanks to
Jim Webster
for letting me use the rainbow lizard line on my page!

Return to PetWeb.

lizard line

Created by Cassia

Last modified: September 1, 1998