Well, first of all is my land snail Jdahya (aka Postal). I brought it home with me from a vacation to B.C... I've always found snails interesting, but Saskatchewan doesn't have any terrestrial snails as far as I know.
Postal's shell is about an inch across, and light brown with a black stripe. I'll probably post a picture once I've taken one. He/she's (all snails are both male and female) living in one of those mini habitat containers that you can but at almost any pet store, with grass and soil on the bottom, and a small tree branch. She/he's sharing the cage with several baby snails that hatched out of eggs layed a few weeks after we got home.
They're pretty easy to take care of... all I have to do is give them small pieces of vegetables and fruit (like carrot, celery, lettuce, tomato, apple, etc.), and mist the cage a couple of times a day. Oh, and supply some form of calcium, such as cuttlefish bone. I do plan on changing the soil in the bottom soon... I would have done it before, but the baby snails are so small I'd probably loose one or two of them with the dirt.
It took me forever to find any useful links about snails on the net when I first brought Postal home. Here are the ones I found:
Snails!!! A link about Apple snails. Most of the info is still useful though.
Raising Snails Ok, so it's about raising snails to eat (perish the thought!), but it's still useful.
When I was younger I had two garter snakes... the first one was wild caught. I kept it for the summer and let it go in the fall. The second was bought in a pet shop, but was a much more nervous snake. I ended up selling it about a year later when I got tired of it musking all the time.
I rediscovered my interest in reptiles (snakes in particular) when I stumbled upon the Kingsnake.com Forums while looking for info on snails and terrarium/vivariums. So on the 29th of August I bought a hatchling snow corn from a pet shop (much to the dismay of my friends *L*). He/she's (the english language really needs a good neuter pronoun...) about 12 inches (30 centimeters) long, as thick as a pencil, and, as the name would suggest, mostly white with pinkish blotches and red eyes. I'm keeping it in a 10-11 gallon tank, with a water bed heater under the tank and repti-bark substrate inside. There's also a large water bowl (with a rock in so it's not quite so deep) that doubles as a hide box... the sides slope outwards, and I cut a small hole in one of the sides so the snake can hide underneath. Corn snakes are also supposed to like climbing on branches, but instead of dealing with trying to find (and sterilize) a good branch, I just made a climbing structure out of a wooden block and some dowels. I'll be adding another hide box as soon as I get one made. Since I've only had it for a few days, there's not a lot more I can say... except that it seems to be quite relaxed for a baby snake in a new environment. And he/she's just so darn cute! :-)
I will, of course, post some pictures once I have some. Until then, you can see what a snow corn looks like here.
I've forgotten where I picked up the background on this page. If anyone knows where it's from, please mail me and let me know so I can give credit for it. Thanks!
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Last modified: September 1, 1998