This pretty little girl is Kally (aka Kal, KallyCat, Goober, and her secret identity is Spook the Wonder Cat). As you can see, she's a tortishell and white. Her real name is Kaleidoscope, but we never actually call her that. Kally is about 2 years old now, and she's just a tiny girl... she only weighs about 6 pounds. We got her one summer when a relative's barn cat had kittens. She's a bit of a spook (hence her secret identity), since she wasn't handled a lot when she was little, but she's getting better. It's funny watching her always running 3 steps in front of someone trying to pet her... it's like she's trying to lead you somewhere (What's that Kally? Timmy's trapped in the barn? And it's on fire?? {Yes, I know... I'm mixing my species. So sue me *s*}). She does like attention, but only on her own terms. Her favorite games (ie. stupid human tricks) are chasing foil balls down the kitchen (and then waiting for someone to come after her and throw them again... but there's nothing better than watching her cartoon cat, I-can't-get-traction, skitter around the corner *L*), and having someone throw a toy to the top of the cat tree so she race up after it
(and bat it down so it can be thrown back at her). And of course, what cat can resist a shoelace, or any other string? Like many cats, she also likes catnip, and she's learned that I'm a sucker for a furry face, and I'll give her a little milk when I'm making tea if she asks nicely. *s* Other than that, she tends to be a picky eater... I've seen her turn up her nose at bacon and ham (no, I don't offer unhealthy treats very often... but sometimes you just can't help it.), but she seems to like steak. I think she's got good taste. *grin*
And this little baby is Dizzy (aka Diz, Dez, Dezzy, Coppertop, Goober, Kitten, Hey You Stop That!, and her secret identity is The Striped Avenger). Her real name is Desdemona, which she does get called occasionally. She's a torbie... meaning she's a grey and orange tabby. Dizzy's only about 11 weeks old now, we got her at the S.P.C.A. on April 21st, and she was 8 weeks then. My sister and I were just going out "to look" that day (I volunteer occasionally), but she was just so cute, and since we were looking for another cat anyway... *grin* My sister wanted a grey tabby, I wanted a kitten, so it worked out in the end. She's a very spunky little girl, when we brought her in and Kally hissed at her, she fluffed up and hissed right back! I've also never seen two cats adjust to each other so fast... 3 days later and they were playing together like they'd known each other for ages (but then, I think Kally missed having another cat to play with, since Sugar passed away). Dizzy's secret identity is due to her daring attack on an evil K-Mart bag on her first day home.
She also knocked a light off the table, fell behind the TV, knocked over a mixing bowl and some papers, and hit the eject button on my stereo on her first day. Aren't kittens great? *grin* She's always getting into trouble... or just barely avoiding it. The fridge fascinates her, as does any open door, and anything that moves. She's a bit of a picky eater too, and she's not old enought to be interested in catnip, but she already knows to be ready and waiting if I'm making tea. *s* Her favorite games are chasing anything that moves, and wrestling or playing tag (during which she bounces off of all the furniture and people in the room) with Kally. And as you can see from the pictures, one of the favorite places of both cats is the top of the cat tree, as well as the back of the couch.
Neither of my cats are declawed... my first two cats were declawed (I was only 6 at the time), but it's something I'll never do again. It's a form of mutilation, and it's cruel and unnecessary.
They're both indoor cats. It would be nice if we could let them out, but it's just to risky what with diseases and all. There are also a lot of other cats in my neighbourhood, and I don't want to be paying to have my cats patched up at the vet's. We do have a fenced in patio, however, and they go out on that all the time in the summer. My sister and are are going to plant a mini 'jungle' for them this year, if we ever get around to it.
Kally is also spayed, as Dizzy will be when she's old enough, and they both get regular vaccinations. Kittens are adorable, but there's more than enough of them out there without adding to the problem. And Dizzy's already proved once that "only indoor" can quickly become "Ha ha, I got OUT!" (fortunately she only climbed the pine tree and waited to be let back in).
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