June 21, 1984 - August 21, 1998

Woodrow "helping" Mom put away laundry fresh out of the dryer. You can tell
from his facial expression that he is DARING her to try to move him off the
nice, warm laundry.

This is "the group" at dinner: from bottom, Woodrow, Clawed, Annie,
Lily and Cleo.

Woodrow and friends in the sun (AKA cat) room. Clockwise,
from top, it is Clawed, Woodrow and Lily. Woodrow loved to sit in this room:
two of its 3 walls are almost all window-glass, and he loved to stretch out and
catch lots of sun. This "tummy-up" pose is his Woodrow way of saying "I am
content and happy."

Woodrow playing with a feather toy.

Woodrow trying to drink water out of a cup.

Woodrow taking a bath in the bed his uncle gave him one

Woodrow in his bed his uncle gave him.

Woodrow and Cleo in the sun room (before his diagnosis
of lymphoma).

Woodrow on his favorite perch in the sunroom, the week
before his death.

Woodrow in his favorite perch, 3 days before his death.

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