Who Are We?

As you already know we are the Shue Family. If you will look at the picture to the right we will introduce ourselves. We will work from the front right to the back. First is Caleb, he is 6 years old. Beside him is his big brother Stephen, who is 7 years old. Seated is (Left) Ashley, who is 10 years old. Then there is us, Stephanie and Marty. Now you have met the whole Shue Crew.

We would like to tell you a little bit about ourselves. Let's see, where would be a good place to start? I guess at the beginning. We met in high school and were married soon after. We were married Sept. 3, 1988. When you are young and in love you think you can conquer the world. We had some things to learn however. Soon after we were married we discovered that we were expecting our first child. Then right on schedule Ashley was born April 2, 1990. We adjusted to our new baby rather well (we think anyway). After that Stephen was born January 21, 1993. Now we had two to chase around. The Lord had truly blessed us with a great family. Then on Feb. 8, 1995 Caleb was born. Things were really going good for us then we learned that we would be parents again. On April 28, 1997 our son Joseph was born. Joseph was born with Trisomy 13. Please go over and read the whole story about Joseph at the Joseph's Story page. Well that wraps it up for the children.

We are born again Christians. We homeschool our children and plan to do so right on through high school. We are active members of our local church and of our local home school group. Stephanie, of course, stays at home with the children. Marty is self employed. He owns and operates Precision Autobody. Some of the things we enjoy doing are making web pages like this one, playing basketball (or any other sport), fellowshipping with our friends, going to the park, reading books (especially the Bible), and having family devotions.
Left: Christmas 2000 Portrait

Below we have listed some of our favorite things.

Bible Verse
Caleb - John 3:16
Stephen - Dan. 3:25
Ashley - Eph. 6:1,2
Stephanie - Psalm 91:1,2
Marty - 2 Timothy 2:15
Bible Character
(other than Jesus)
Caleb - Daniel
Stephen - Noah
Ashley - Esther
Stephanie - David
Marty - Elijah
Caleb - Basketball
Stephen - All sports
Ashley - Gymnastics
Stephanie - Baseball
Marty - Basketball
Ice Cream
Caleb - Chocolate
Stephen - Banana
Ashley - Strawberry
Stephanie - Butter Peacan
Marty - Chocolate
Caleb - Theodore
Stephen - Children's Bible Hour
Ashley - Laura Ingalls Wilder
Stephanie - Proverbs 31 Homemaker
Marty - Logos 1611's site (Dr. Holland's website)

Big sister reads the boys to sleep.

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[Home Page] [Applet Creations] [Which Version] [Joseph's Story] [Who are we?] [Kids Korner] [Smile] [Picture and Poem] [Links] [Awards]