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Someone was thinking about you and sent you this lovely picture and poem.

Oh dear - no Java!!!!
The Faithfulness of Our Ever Present God

Friend, when you need a friend and no one is there;
In days of discouragement, hurt, and despair;
He is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother;
With undying love, more even so than your mother.

In times that you go drifting out on life's troubled sea;
Friend, He's in your vessel, wake the master, He'll set you free.
When it seems that you're all alone and He's a 1000 miles away;
Just trust His faithfulness friend He will never lead you astray.

From the day of our birth until now He's been the dearest friend;
Offering His only begotten Son as the atonement for our sins.
Friend, I believe He would have died if it were only for you;
For our ever faithful God, only Him we can depend on to be true.
As King David once said, "Though I walk through the valley
of the shadow of death"
I know my ever faithful God will be there as I draw my final breath.

Copyright © Frank Long

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Let them know you are thinking about them.

Or send them this SMILE!

Special friends have been blessed!
Since 11/2/98.

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