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Presley's Kitchen Cabinet

This is a picture of a kitchen cabinet that was built in 1925 the same year that the Isaac Martin Presley Family built and moved into their new house at 3638 Henry Avenue, Louisville, Jefferson County, KY. In 1930 the Presley Family sold the house on Henry Avenue and moved to Kessinger, Hart County, KY; and they moved the kitchen cabinet to the house in Hart County, KY. After Isaac Martin Presley and his wife, Ollie May Poston Presley, died, the kitchen cabinet was moved to the home of their daughter, Eloise Presley Brown. In 2003, George Presley moved the cabinet back to Louisville, Jefferson County, KY, and refinished it. The kitchen cabinet is now located in the home of Isaac Martin Presley's grandson, Norman Presley,in Louisville,KY.

(Photo is courtesy George Presley. Thanks!)


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