UCC Springfield Home

125th Home




United Church of Christ
Box 332
1002 College Street
Springfield, SD 57062
Phone: (605)369-2360

E-Mail :Pastor

The year held many activities in preparation for the celebration:

  • new sidewalks poured
  • spruced up parsonage
  • new curtains in basement
  • new paint
  • floors waxed
  • new carpeting - thank you to boys from the Springfield Academy for helping to take up the old carpet. The Springfield Academy is part of Youth Services International
  • other miscellaneous facelifts to the interior
  • memorabilia gathered
  • Church directory made
  • History booklet put together
  • Cookbook put together.

    On November 4, 1996, Springfield United Church of Christ was 125 years old. We celebrated this special event on Saturday and Sunday, October 26-27, 1996. The celebration included several events.

    Schedule of Events:

    Saturday, October 26, 1996:

    • 1:00 P.M. Special Opening Program was held in the sanctuary of the church. The program consisted of special speakers, music and fellowship.
    • 3:00 - 5:00 P.M. Open house at the church and at the parsonage.
    • 5:00 P.M. Catered supper in the dining hall at the church by CarMichaels.
    • 7:30 P.M. Special music program with the music group, "Sweetwater". The evening ended with a time of refreshments and fellowship in the dining hall.

    Sunday October 27, 1996:

    • 9:15 A.M. Sunday School.
    • 10:00 A.M. Morning Worship in the sanctuary. Our guests were ministers from the Yankton Congregational UCC, Springfield area, and the Yankton Association.   Rev. Dr. Paul Sherry, UCC president and Rev. Dr.Gene Miller, S.D. Conference Minister - guest speakers.
    • 2:00 P.M. Closing service - presentation by the choir from the Congregational Church in Yankton, S.D.  The Yankton Congregational Church is our "Mother Church", presented appreciation plaques to Warren Erickson and Joyce Palsma for their service in the music ministry of Springfield UCC, heard words from visiting ministers and churches, presented youth with a time capsule.

    Several historical displays were available throughout.  Former members, and former ministers were with us. We had 125th Anniversary Cookbooks, History booklets, T-Shirts for sale, as well as the New Church Directory available. We also plan to bury a time capsule and plant a tree of our choosing on Arbor Day presented by the Yankton Congregational Church to honor the occasion.