Brandt/Doyle/Goode Homepage
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Favorite Links
Home & Garden T.V. Website-- includes some great boards for answers to your home/garden/craft questions
Something for the Brandt Boys
......Or try shopping for them at Performance Bike
For the Doyle in all of us ---- The Fishing Network
Visit Mom Doyle's favorite site and play The Wheel of Fortune.
Parent Soup is a great link for advise from experts and experienced parents. It also has some links for crafts and activities and tons more stuff for parents.
Wayne's "killer site"!!!
Meet another Doyle Homepage at Doyle's Dangerous Desktop
Coloring, games & more with all your favorite characters from PBS
Disney Blast for Kids--games, coloring....more
Nick Jr. website
July Birthdays

  • Davie P. ---- 5th
  • Carol W. ---- 7th
  • Margo D. ---- 7th
  • JoAnn S. ---- 7th
  • Rich D. ----- 9th
  • Bonnie D. ---- 21st
  • Scott D. ----- 21st
  • Ryan D. ------ 21st
  • Brent D. ------ 24th
  • Josh D. ------ 24th
  • Mary Jane ---- 25th
  • Christine D. -- 27th

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Have a happy & safe Fourth of July!!!!!!!
The FLAB FOUR forum
We are dedicated to living a healthier lifestyle. Because it is easier to make changes in our behavior over long spans of time, we will be taking this one step at a time. Gradual, longlasting changes will result in better self-esteem and healthier attitudes toward food and exercise. So here we go.......
*Helpful Hints*
1. If you just have to satisfy a sweet tooth, eat cereal. They are usually low in fat and fortified with nutrients.
Things we are currently working on:

Eat only things that have nutritional value. 1 "treat" a day is encouraged!!

Load-up on fiber!!! At least 25 grams per day is the goal.

Eat 4-5 small meals a day to keep your metabolism up!!!
2. Beans are a great way to get your fiber and comes in many forms such as soup and baked beans.
3. To increase the # of meals, divide-up your breakfast and lunch. Eat half of it and then a couple hours later, eat the other half.
Do AT LEAST 10 minutes of exercise 4 days a week.
4. Stomach cruches are a great way to get in 10 minutes of exercise. They can be done everyday and you don't need a lot of room to do them.
Here is a great link for everyone to check-out. It has all you need to know about nutrition. It even has some articles about certain subjects. So, prepare to spend some time here, it's great!!!
Another great site>>>ChubbClubChatters