Another Theriault Family Home Page.

We signed up on 07/05/98 17:20:35,
but will be for a while.

Hi! I'm Joel Theriault. I'm a 1966 graduate of Old Town Senior High School
in Old Town, Maine. I joined the Navy in 1967 stayed in for 10 years. I've seen
a lot of the world, lived in Scotland for 5 years where I met and married my wife.
My two children were born there. I finally settled in San Jose, Ca.

This is my wife Moira Shaw-Theriault. We have been married since 1970.
She is Scottish by birth and came to the states with me in 1974. She still lives
with me after all this time.

Our interests are:
grandkids, culture, heritage.

The description of our page is:

Email us at in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit us.

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