Welcome to Thu Thuyen's Homepage

Full name: Lu+u Hoa`ng Thu-Thuye^`n
Born in: 12/1958 Saigon, Vietnam

1965-1969: Studied at Petit Lycee Yersin, Trung Tam Giao Duc Hung Vuong, Dalat
1970-1975: Studied at Couvent des Oiseaux, Dalat
1976-1977: Finished high school at St. Paul, Saigon
1977-1978: Attended School of Pedagogy (Trung Hoc Su Pham), Saigon
1978-1979: Taught Fifth grade at Huynh Man Dat, Cholon
1979-1981: Lived in La Celle St Cloud, France
1981-1984: Attended Xavier University, Cincinnati Ohio
Present status: Married. Working at Cingular Wireless, Dallas Texas

    Books published:
  • Tuyen Tap 14 Tac Gia (Van Tuyen 2000)
  • Nhung Nhanh Song Mat Bien (Van Moi 2004)

    Photo taken in 3/99

Here are some of my short stories written in Vietnamese...

South Vietnam
(photographed by Nam Luu)
Hoang Anh Tuan
Ha Huyen Chi
[Hoang's Homepage]
[Luu's Homepage]
[Viet Space]
[Thi Ca Net]
[Cay Me]
[Nhan Van]
[Van But]
[Tran Trung Dao]

[Hoang Xuan Son performed "Mot Ngay Vui Mua Dong" by Le Uyen Phuong]

[Hoang Xuan Son performed "Quynh Huong" by Trinh Cong Son]

Email me at thuthuyen@yahoo.com
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since 7/15/98

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