Fairtime is about the only time I can get my husband in a picture! Hopefully he will allow me the privelage of getting him in another with our new addition this year :)
WOW most of the family, mark jr, me, Pat (Mark Sr.'s brother) Brittany (kids cousin, Pat's daughter), Lonnie (great grandma to the kids, Mark Sr. and Pat's grandma), Pamela holding our youngest Jordan (Pamm is gramma to the kids and Mark Sr. and Pat's mother.. Lonnie's eldest daughter) Kenzy, and Mark Sr. (my hubby and kids dad). This was taken at Lonnie's house around Christmas this last year.
Jr and his daddy (NO we are NOT cloning!)
This is Jeffrey and Kenzy on my new snowmachine this last february and them on their dad's yamaha warrior 4wheeler.
Kenzy and Jeff with their dad's pygmy goat Moses, and there is our mutt puppy Hummer. (no she is NOT a chow)
Mark Jr. and McKenzy at Halloween 1998 lil monsters!!
Jordan Helen and Moses and McKenzy on the "fast" swing
This is my big brother Bud, he lives in Omaha Nebraska ;o)
IMA TRIPLE DANDY 16yrs and Tinkerbell
This baby really has a sense of humor!
Cricket the Wonder Pony (as Mark Sr. refers to her) 5yrs old
Mr. Elegant TNT, standing at stud at BLUEMOON CATTLE COMPANY>
I also wanted to include my best r/l friend Dan or dtman if you chat on talkcity, and his son steven :) Sometimes I don't know what I would do without him he is a true friend and very dear to my heart ;o) Love ya bunches Dan ;o)
This year Dan and Steven moved to Iowa and I miss him already!
And here we have Mark's cousin Ratanna, she has been around since my first pregnancy and lived through the barfing etc.. not to mention the nasty parrots before the kids and our numerous pets Ratanna (shyluv) is 24 now and ran aoff and got married this last may. She is in elcentro CA Too bad as I would prefer she was in the car with me so i could shop without kids hahaha!
The 3 girls are my sister Shannon's kids Tembre, Justine, Kate and the boy is Perry he belongs to Bud.
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