Twice monthly, morning worship service and prayers are held with residents at Hillcrest Nursing Home in Round Lake Beach, Illinois. We have been with the nursing home for about five years, and have come to know and to love the residents. Many of them have no family left, and for some of those who do, their family visits are scarce. Many suffer in extreme pain or in extreme loneliness, and some have lost their mental faculties. We consider the residents of Hillcrest to be our friends, who invite us into their home twice a month to worship with them. After the service, we greet the residents one on one, talking with them and praying with them if they would like. They pray for us, too!!!!! We consider the nursing home to be a vital area of ministry, as these people are literally on the brink of eternity. To be able to bring them comfort, hope and peace through Jesus Christ as they near the end of their lives. Many of our friends have passed on through the years, but we rest in the hope that one day we shall see them again, face to face, suffering no more, in our Father's House!
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