I am in the revamping stage of this site. I am going to be adding a " Pic of the Month" page with prizes, more care sheets, more on my own breeding projects, a "Herp Tips" page with tips from some of the top breeders in my area, and much much more. What I am looking for from all of you is for some help and support on doing this. You are siting there asking yourself "what can I do?". Well let me tell you, I could use help with tip from you, pics for the pic of the month from you(there will be prizes as said before), care sheets writen by you and just about any ideas that you might have for me. If you could just E-MAIL me with anything that you can help with, like PICS, Herp TIPS, CARE SHEETS, I would really appreciate the help. There will be CREDIT given to all those that help.
Thanks Peter K.