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Touching ~

The gentle touch of my lover's hand upon my skin.

The caress of his breath as he softly showers kisses upon me.

The firm, protective, sheltering arms, holding me close,

To protect me from the world's harms.

Tasting ~

The saltiness of his skin

in contrast to the sweetness of his mouth.

Seeing ~

The smile on his face, that lights up his eyes,

Burning deep into my heart,

Branding me his, forever.

His eyes closed in sleep,

the cares of the world erased from his face

and enfolded in the blissful peace of slumber.

Hearing ~

His laughter, starting deep and building slow,

Bubbling up, capturing my heart and soul.

His slow even breaths as I lie next to him,

Complete and satiated.

Smelling ~

His cologne in the air when he's not around,

Causing my heart to stir and my pulse to quicken.

The sweet scent of sweat from our bodies

That lingers in the early morning hours,

Stirring the memories and re-igniting the flames of desire.

~ Cathlyn 

*Using this original work in whole or in part without the author's consent is strictly forbidden*
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