To Cathlyn's Home on the Internet
Thank you for visiting! Those of you that have seen earlier versions; WELCOME BACK and thank you for all of your encouraging words and suggestions.
Ok, so you all asked to see a picture of me. Well, here goes, but don't be sending me any bills for new monitors if your screen shatters.
I guess I should tell you a little about myself. I was born in Southern California, but moved to Texas when I was 6 months old. I have lived here ever since. No I can't claim to be a native, but folks I got here as FAST as I could and it was a LONG crawl. = )I love to smile and laugh also.
< >< > I am a Christian, single mother of two boys, who both have ADD/ADHD. I'm an intermediate level (5th and 6th grade) teacher, working with students with various handicaps and learning disabilities. I am also a licensed massage therapist. I chose these vocations (or they chose me) because I love learning, helping others and watching others learn and understand things.
I enjoy the outdoors, weather permitting. Around here that means less than 95 degrees and less than 75% humidity in the summer, or above 45 with no rain in the winter. We don't see enough of that kind of weather though.
Besides just being outside, I also enjoy reading, photography, the internet (of course), and occasionally some writing. I have made several wonderful friends on the internet, and have been privleged to actually meet some of them, and count them as friends in real life as well. I also have an eclectic taste in music as you will hear from the midi's on my additional pages.
My favorite movies are typically the older classics, especially musicals.
My favorite Actress is Audrey Hepburn.
My favorite actor... hmm I like Gene Kelly and Danny Kaye the most I think.
Favorite book... anything that can keep my interest past the first 3 chapters = ). I especially enjoy historical romances and mysteries.
Favorite Authors include Phyllis Whitney, Robin Cook, Sandra Brown and Sue Grafton.
My favorite songs currently are "Hold on to Me" by John Micheal Montgomery and "Amazed" by Lonestar.
My Poetry
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Scot-Irish Knight My friend "Ireland"'s home page *THATN*
Manu's Photo Album He is SOOOOOOOOO Talented! HUGGGGSSSSSSSSS Manu
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since October 24, 2003