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Welcome to Rufus and Donna's Homepage!

Tracing Our Roots, Sharing Our Family Today,
LDS Interests, Health & Nutrition

We extend an open invitation to browse to your heart's content and hope you'll find something here to enlighten your spirit and bring some sunshine into your day. I am Donna and that fellow you see at my side below is Rufus, my Sweetheart of nearly 28 years. Our surnames are listed here in part and being added upon as we discover them. Line upon line, we hope to find every link. Come on in. Take a look!

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Our Family Surnames

Rucker, Marchus, Marchusen, Christensdatter, Christiansen, Jorgensen, Bauknight, Olsen, Hepler, Mitchell, Trice, Roberts, Ludlow, Richards, Madsdatter, Midhelsdatter, Sorrensen, Hansdatter, Jensen, Andersen, Rasmussen, Caldwell(s), Barr, Mc Daniel, Travis, Kavanaugh, Edwards, Minnick, Bodker, Jorgensen, Michelsdatter, Rasmusdatter, Erichsdatter, Theckston, Nolte, Ayers(?), Mortensen, Mattsen, Mattsdatter, Carmichael, Olsdatter

Felder, Dickson, Askew, Reaves/Rives, Bloodworth, Steed, McWhorter, Connell, Simms, Owsley, Harper, Beadles, White, Headrique, Rogers, Keels, McCauley, Copley(?), Jenkinson, Pitts, Schnell, Shaumloffel, Land, Dryman, Alexander, Grogan, Boon, Harris, Brown, Glenn, Dabney, Overton, Claiborne, Osborne, Butler, D'Aubigne, Jennings, James, Fulton, Hill, Ingram, Lambert, Cagle, Norton, and more to come!

We have some of our genealogy work online, please visit these pages

Family Tree of Rufus E. Rucker
The Rucker Family

Family Tree of Donna Felder Rucker
The Askew Family

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Links to Other Pages on the Web

Sherry's Genealogy Home Page

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