August 1999


Tennessee Mama's Adoption Registry

Tennessee Adoption Information

September 27, 1999 - The legal battle in Tennessee is over! The Tennessee Supreme Court has ruled in our favor. I'm too excited to write much more. The ruling is located at THE RULING

This is a wonderful day for all Tennessee adoptees.


A Welcome Blessing to all who enter!

Lord, Bless each one's circumstances with the fullness of your victorious right hand. Amen. (Romans 15:13)


"A dwarf standing on the shoulders of a giant may see farther than a giant himself."
--Robert Burton

pp-bttn "In all of us there is a hunger, marrow deep, to know our heritage, to know who we are, and where we have come from. Without this enriching knowledge, there is a hollow yearning, no matter what our attainments in life, there is a most disquieting loneliness."--Alex Haley
pp-bttn "There is a silent strength within each soul, and that strength is multiplied for those who remember that they do not walk their path alone--"Thomas J. Edwards

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**TN Mama's Reunion Registry is now one year old!**

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Thanks to greacar.gif SIVIC **for helping me with the design of this page.

Graphics by Patpp-bttn
Web Design by PSJohnson