Hi, welcome to my Guest Book! You can read comments from other conures and their mommies and papas. Have fun!

Jennifer - 12/08/00 23:40:12
My Email:bug-raiser@juno.com
What kind of birdies do you own?: Jenday Conure
Your favorite conure sites?: I really like this one

Hi! I got a Jenday conure about a week ago while looking for a senegal. I was pretty unsure because in the pet store he could bite hard! The wierd thing is, I got him home and was completely amazed as I saw him turn into a sweet cuddly ball before my eyes. He no longer bites (except his first vet trip yesterday..OUCH!!) he just puts his beak around my finger and acts like he will before he starts rolling aroung wanting his head scratched and playing. He is so cute! I am so happy I got him, since I usually only buy from breeders. I couldn't believe how he changed at home! What a sweetie! I liked your site because my Jenday sure does some weird things! I've never owned a conure before, thanks for this great site!

Jennifer - 12/08/00 23:12:18
What kind of birdies do you own?: Jenday Conure


Bad Bunny - 12/02/00 23:39:52
My URL:http://www.girlsoficq.com/
My Email:bdbunny@bigfoot.com

Website de Nice. Merci pour me laisser signer votre guestbook

Shana - 11/26/00 06:10:53
My Email:piedtiel@hotmail.com
What kind of birdies do you own?: 1 grey cockatiel, 1 cinnamon pied cockatiel, 2 Sun Conures, 1 Goldcap Conure and 2 budgies
Your favorite conure sites?: This one and Conures..gotta luv em

This is a fun and great site! Probably the best one I have come across so far, and as Conure owners I am sure you know there aren't very many out there!

Barbara - 11/02/00 02:51:36
My Email:rbr@buffnet.net
What kind of birdies do you own?: Jenday Conure & parakeet
Your favorite conure sites?: This one

What a great site. Thanks. Our Obie has been with us for 6 months. We bought him at a pet store, but they told us he was a Sun Conure. I just visited a friend who has a Sun, and he looked nothing like Obie, so I started cruising the Web to find out about ifferent kinds of conures. Obie looks EXACTLY like Stimpy. Unbelievable. Thanks for all the great tips on feeding. We're going to increase his vegies and decrease the seed...increase the pellets. Great site. Thanks.

josiah - 10/08/00 13:10:34
My Email:livivg_h2o@msn.com
What kind of birdies do you own?: jenday &senagal
Your favorite conure sites?: conures got to luv'm

i realy love you page

josiah - 10/08/00 13:09:40
My Email:livivg_h2o@msn.com
What kind of birdies do you own?: jenday &senagal
Your favorite conure sites?: conures got to luv'm

i realy love you page

Linda - 09/26/00 04:55:45
My Email:lgambrel@futureone.com
What kind of birdies do you own?: sun conure and cockatiels
Your favorite conure sites?: havent seen enuff of them to make that decision.

thank u for entertaining me and u got it right about all them traits of conures mine is soooo spoiled just as u explained.. thanks again for your sight!!

Kathy Urban - 09/23/00 19:38:47
My Email:kurban@thebest.net
What kind of birdies do you own?: Sun and Jenday conures

Stimpy looks like my Maximillian (Max). He is much more sweet and docile than Archie, my Sun Conure. Archie is much louder than Max, and he talks (tickle, goodbye, go bye bye and he laughs just like me.) Max is my first and much easier to get along wit , but Archie is precocious and I love them both.

Maureen - 09/19/00 03:37:39
My Email:saunders@lor.net
What kind of birdies do you own?: Jenday
Your favorite conure sites?: still lookin...

My Jenday, Oscar, turned 1 in June. I have owned parakeets before, but nothing compares to my Oscar!! He is a sweet, boisterous, loud-mouth pain in the butt, but I love him anyways. To all of the people out there thinking of getting a Jenday, please be a are that they are very loud birds. They love to screech. Oscar will start screeching as soon as we pull in the driveway. We can hear him outside, windows closed, like he is right next to us. (maybe not THAT loud, but pretty close!!) I just don't want omeone to run out and buy a Jenday, and then decide they don't want it once they discover how loud it can be!! I am pretty much used to it, but it still bothers my husband's ears once in a while. Oscar is my bird, I am definitely his favorite human. He l ves his Birdy Buddy, screaming "treat!" until he gets one, (good trick, at least it seemed like one at the time!)and just hanging out with me, his mom.

lauralee - 09/13/00 22:13:04
My Email:lauraleeot@aol.com
What kind of birdies do you own?: none NOW!

i am looking to replace a life time friend of mine and i was just looking into to the jenaday (?) i thought about a gray! i want a social bird! i live in texas so if you got ideas let me know...lauralee

Karen Darner - 09/11/00 01:23:14
My Email:Yellowbrd@hotmail.com
What kind of birdies do you own?: Jenday conure
Your favorite conure sites?: just started looking

We just purchased our little bird today. Looking for more info. about him/her/it? Thanks for the beautiful site and links.

Sonia - 09/06/00 17:09:42
My Email:Crazycutie69k@hotmail.com
What kind of birdies do you own?: 1 Jenday conure
Your favorite conure sites?: yours

HI I luv ur bird it is soooo cute I didnt get my bird yet but i am in two weeks and I need some advice like does it bite hard and if i clip the wings will it fly away or high and i also need to know how much u feed it. Oh and one more thing the place wher u wrote about the vacation well we are gooing there but the thing is that we are going to get our bird the day we come back from the cruise the 18 and i think it is funny how ur bird got in ur suitcase hey did the allow birds in the ship. K PLEASE Write ack and answer these questions PLease and thankyou for ur time to read this i know its long sorry but i adore your bird and website. K bye

Shannan - 08/16/00 21:07:13
My Email:justjesusandme@prodigy.net
What kind of birdies do you own?: nanday conure
Your favorite conure sites?: this one!

This is the cutest site. I sent your address to my sister who now has the family bird. (he gets passed around for one reason or another.) I really enjoyed the potty training section.

denise cochrell - 08/16/00 19:33:34
My Email:a-dencoc@microsoft.com
What kind of birdies do you own?: n/a

Stimpy is adorable!

- 08/12/00 03:24:11
My Email:lazymonkey@stupid.com

can anyone help me? i work at a pet store and i dont usually like birds but a jenday conure wouldnt shut up so i took him out cause he was giving me a headache. well he was sitting on my shoulder while i was working and i made one major mistake. i fell in love with him. he has been out with me constantly since then (about a week) and now he wont let anyone else but me do anything with him. i know i have to buy him and i want to and i have enough money but my parents wont let me. how do i convince them that birds are alright? if u can help...e-mail me please!

Bill - 08/07/00 17:40:29
What kind of birdies do you own?: Sun Conure and 3 cockatiels
Your favorite conure sites?: all of them

nice job

Judy - 08/07/00 11:44:08
What kind of birdies do you own?: Jenday Conure

Your site will help us much. This bird adopted my husband last week while he was working in the yard -- he got away from someone. We are going nuts trying to figure him out. We aren't doing what he wants us to, and he's not doing what we want him to do ! Your information will help so very much. Thank you. God bless you1!!

Echo Thelonius Bird - 08/02/00 20:29:35
My URL:/SoHo/Coffeehouse/4426/echo.html
What kind of birdies do you own?: I am a burdie!
Your favorite conure sites?: Mine!

I wunted too sae helloo too Stimpy. Helloo Stimpy! It luks lik u hav a reel nise mammie. An u'r reel perty too! I hope u'r a gurl burdie! Hee hee. But I jus a littl green cheek soo u prolly wuldn't lik mee anyway. Butt wee kin still bee friens, rit ?

Rob - 08/02/00 20:26:12
My URL:/SoHo/Coffeehouse/4426/echo.html
My Email:hmr2@sas.upenn.edu
What kind of birdies do you own?: Green Cheek and Sun
Your favorite conure sites?: Up at Six Conure Chat and Gallery

What an adorable little bugger! He's precious. Your page about conure body language was right on target!

cheryl beaty - 08/01/00 20:04:47
My Email:Ccope@aol
What kind of birdies do you own?: jandaya

I am getting reaady to buy a jandaya conure and am interested in any info. to personality aand problems.

john migliorini - 07/26/00 21:39:28
My Email:johnmig@iwon.com
What kind of birdies do you own?: jenday conure
Your favorite conure sites?: this one so far

my jenday "bud" has captured my heart as i would never have imagined a "bird" could. after visiting your web site i'm inspired to try and creat one myself, and to spend more time with "bud". (short for Budrow T. Bird )

Donna Krauss - 06/11/00 13:19:06
My URL:http://msnhomepages.talkcity.com/PetsPl/dobe-house/index.html
My Email:DPKDOBE3@mediaone.net
What kind of birdies do you own?: Skittles a Sun Conure, Tattoo a Blue & Gold Macaw and Skittles a Sun Conure
Your favorite conure sites?: Up at Six Conure Chat

Your bird is so beautiful. I found you from Deanna's guest book. Stop in and visit at Dobe-House we have Cats,Doberman and Parrots.

Deborah B. - 05/10/00 17:02:13
My Email:farseereldrad242@prodigy.net
What kind of birdies do you own?: jenday conure
Your favorite conure sites?: just finding them

I am a brand new friend of a young jenday conure I know very little about them and want to learn more. My friend Ducky came to us just 5 days ago. He has been a learning experience. I bought a book, but I would like to know much more.

nick schneider - 05/03/00 18:02:34
What kind of birdies do you own?: 1 african grey 1 jenday conure
Your favorite conure sites?: this is one


Marlena - 04/30/00 01:15:11
My Email:marlenaj@prima-soft.com
What kind of birdies do you own?: greencheek conure, lutino budgie

Hi! I'm a new conure mommy. Just adopted a greencheek that has no lower mandible. big nasty macaw bit it off at the "brokers". This bird has been through so much. It ended up at a local Pet Store Chain and I found her there. She eats much better now tha I have her home.Has gained 2 grams. We switched her from the junk seed (much to large and hard to eat) that they were feeding her. I give her nutraberries, avi cake, homemade birdie bread that has egg, broccoli, carrots,walnuts,squash,a jar of baby food spinich and mixed veggies etc. She also eats soaked ZuPreem pellets (fruit flavord) like it was her last meal. My concern is this, I don't know how much conures eat. She seems to eat constantly but I know she eats slowly due to the beak problem. It's amazing how she can get as much in as she does. I hope you can give me an idea of how much to feed and when. I give her pellets, birdie bread for breakfast also oranges and what ever fruit she'll take. I leave dry stuff in her cage during the day. Nutraberries, avi cake, nuts,dry fruit (all ground into small pieces so she can eat them.)for dinner he gets more Pellets and Avi cake and what ever we are eating. the other thing I need to find out is why she sleeps hanging from the cage bars. I start her out on the upper perch but she clings to the door of the cage and that's where I find her in the A . Do you suggest a Hide N Sleep or some other nesting place. It must be so hard to sleep that way. I suppose she got used to it a the pet shop. She's almost 1 year and I've had her for 2 weeks. she's a love and everything is looking great otherwise. Id really appreciate your comments. I found my budgie in the yard 3 years ago and she's really special. Talks up a storm and is wonderful. I love my birds and want to do the absolute best for them.thanks for listening.

Yonda & Adrian - 04/25/00 02:23:04
My Email:SnyderGriffin@aol.com
What kind of birdies do you own?: none yet
Your favorite conure sites?: yours

We are purchasing our first bird and your web site helped convince us to make it a jenday!

patti - 04/21/00 22:06:08
My URL:http://@aol
My Email:sportn2tx
What kind of birdies do you own?: jenday conure
Your favorite conure sites?: yours :)

I really love your page that bird is awesome thank you for sharin..have a good one ..patti

cindy - 04/11/00 15:29:43
My URL:http://www.multimania.com/cindytrottier1/conure.html
My Email:pooh100@caramail.com
Your favorite conure sites?: les conures

Allo. Super ton site et ton design! Moi aussi j'ai un site sur les conures mais il est en francais mais si jamais tu veux allé le voir tu es le bienvenue bye bye

Linda A. - 04/05/00 01:05:34
My Email:wu.g@worldnet.att.net
What kind of birdies do you own?: Latino Cocktiel & Sun Conure
Your favorite conure sites?: More picture about me

Appriciate your info. about party training.

Papa - 03/25/00 02:43:59
My Email:swbarton@hotmail.com
What kind of birdies do you own?: Stimpy
Your favorite conure sites?: yours, you little terror

Hi Stimpy- I just wanted to let you know that I looked at your website again today. --Papa

Dave - 03/22/00 06:25:04
My Email:nightjars@yahoo.com
What kind of birdies do you own?: Jenday

You definatly have a cute Conure here :) Just baught a baby girl Jenday a couple days ago, she can't come home with me yet, since she's not weaned, but she's the cutest, smartest, and most loving little bird, and she loves me to death. I never thought much about owning a parrot before, but the ore I read about her kind, the more I like them. Long live the conures! :)

Terri Carroll - 03/21/00 02:18:20
My Email:rtcarr@bellsouth.net
What kind of birdies do you own?: gold capped conure
Your favorite conure sites?: yours is one!

Loved your site. I have had my conure "PJ" only 3 months now, but he has become part of our family. We enjoy learning everything we can about how to care for him, and how other conures are treated and loved. Thanks for all the great information! Terri

Jackpot - 02/28/00 18:24:42
My URL:http://www.crosswinds.net/~jmitaly/magic.htm
My Email:jmit@nethere.com
What kind of birdies do you own?: Conure and Senegal parrot
Your favorite conure sites?: lots

I enjoyed your pages

Donna Krauss - 02/26/00 22:31:05
My URL:http://msnhomepages.talkcity.com/PetsPl/dobe-house/index.htm.
My Email:DPKDOBE3@mediaone.net
What kind of birdies do you own?: Sun Conure, Maximillian Pionus and a Blue & Gold Macaw
Your favorite conure sites?: Conure Chat

Hi, Skittles says to say hi. We are stopping in from Conure chat and just wanted to say we loved your site. Stop by and visit us at Dobe-House,we have Birds,Cats and Dobermans.

Jennifer - 02/25/00 00:58:30
My Email:peejgirl@snail-mail.net
What kind of birdies do you own?: 4 yr old Patagonian Conure
Your favorite conure sites?: Conure chat!! :)

I loved your site!! Such wonderful pictures and info. I appreciated the potty training section too. I will try that with my next birdie. Haven't decided what I want to get. All of them would be great to me! *S*

Angela - 02/21/00 23:33:32
My Email:angelarenae@yahoo.com
What kind of birdies do you own?: white-eyed Conure
Your favorite conure sites?: this one is pretty cool!

This site is adorable, and quite helpful! I got my very first bird on Saturday, and I'm still learning what his body language and noises mean. If anyone wants to share what *their* birds sounds translate across as, please email me! Stimpy seems to be i credibly bright, I hope my Toby gets to be so talented!!

Sue Arkwright - 02/21/00 15:52:35
My Email:suem@twstd.com
What kind of birdies do you own?: Jenday

I really enjoyed your site, and learning about Stimpy. My husband and I have a conure named Sonny. He is so affectionate and lovable but loud. He likes to sit in daddy's chest where his shirt opens up and pick at his chest hairs then rub his beak and f ll asleep.

Sue Arkwright - 02/21/00 15:48:56
My Email:suem@twstd.com
What kind of birdies do you own?: Jenday


Eugene - 02/21/00 02:27:42
My Email:genu30@yahoo.com
What kind of birdies do you own?: Nanday conure

Hello there . My bird is a 8 weeks old Nanday and I'm trying to learn how to get alone with him . Sometimes he comes out from the gage on my finger with no problems , but sometimes when I try to touch him he starts screaming and gets away from me .Any sug estions , any good book that you recommend ? Thanks Eugene

mary j coder - 02/05/00 02:52:11
My Email:mothermary@networknirvava.com
What kind of birdies do you own?: blue crown and pata godain
Your favorite conure sites?: dont know yet still exploring.

i bought the blue crown as a baby i am having so much ejoyment from her its like having a new born baby in the house again. named her victoria. my patagodin is 8 yrs old im third owner. both previous oweners are passed away. she ia a claim bird good with children. they both have a home here until im gone plus any more over the years i may get. im 40 and just getting into the flying children i love them to death do us part. mary coder

Patty - 02/03/00 05:37:45
My Email:PMSEP5@worldshare.net
What kind of birdies do you own?: Jenday Conure, cockatiels, lovebird
Your favorite conure sites?: this one so far

What a hambone! Reminds me of my Milo.

Fiona & Jonathan - 02/01/00 04:32:37
My Email:jthornton@ozemail.com.au
What kind of birdies do you own?: nanday cross with a sun (3 years old)and a baby sun (13 weeks)
Your favorite conure sites?: Stimpy, King Crayon and the conure chat site

Love the Stimpy page. We thought that our birds were a little loopy until we saw how other conures behave. It is nice to know that the jackhammer, squawking, eye fixation and hatred of spray bottles is normal. It is great to see other conures are as spoilt as ours. Nibbles and Fanta are a big part of our lives!

Heather - 01/26/00 01:04:13
My URL:http://www.jps.net/zweep - site is down at present, though, try back next month
My Email:chili_byte@hotmail.com
What kind of birdies do you own?: Jenday conure, CAG, B&G macaw, lovebirds
Your favorite conure sites?: Conure Chat

I just loved Stimpy's site. He sure looks a lot like my Chili Pepper. You have lots of good information here. Stimpy sure can say a lot of phrases, can't he? Chili Pepper only says two things: "Hello", and "Good morning". I have bookmarked his site as I t ink it's one of the best companion bird sites I've ever seen. Heather

Lynne - 01/24/00 23:23:57
My Email:ltatucson@aol.com
What kind of birdies do you own?: 2 jendays
Your favorite conure sites?: yours as of right now

Love my birdies ... never had others before. Coco is 4 (female) and TsweetTsweet (Sweetie, male) is 3.5. Gonna devour your site! Thanks for making it!

Jenni - 01/22/00 23:08:14
My Email:1birdie@centurytel.net
What kind of birdies do you own?: Jenday Conure
Your favorite conure sites?: not sure yet

Trying to figure out the meanings of some of my birds behaviors, if you know of any books or anything I would greatly appreciate it. I have had my bird for almost 2 years and lately she has been kind of crabby and I dont know why, also she acts like shes in heat or something (if thats possible). Thank you Jenni

Brenda & "Bernie" - 01/20/00 18:36:56
My Email:BrownRnch@aol.com
What kind of birdies do you own?: 1 Jenday Conure
Your favorite conure sites?: this is our 1st. one.

We loved your site. Bernie sat on the back of the couch and screeched along with stimpy when I played his words. Bernie is 6 months old and is our first bird of any kind (not including ducks, chickens, pigeons and other outside birds...ick!) I'd appreciate any help or advice you'd care to share with us. We live in Ceres, California. It's between Sacramento & Fresno. We're looking for a bigger cage for Bernie. I bought one just big enough to tide us over until I can get a better one. I'd like to get one like yours only in black. I've been looking for a u ed one. Have any ideas? I found a store in Reno, Nevada that sellls used cages like yours for $150.00 but that's 4 hours away. We'll probably go to Reno in March so if they have one and I haven't found one by then, maybe it will work out. Alot of maybe . Until then Bernie is out of his cage most of the time, 'cause I'm usually home all day. Well, write back if you can. Brenda Brown & Bernie

Nita Hutchison - 01/20/00 07:47:28
My Email:NitaH@nts-online.net
What kind of birdies do you own?: Jenday Connure
Your favorite conure sites?: just beginning to look

I was looking for a little more background info first....but an interested in their ability to talk. my "Jazz" is a year old and can mimic whistles, but I think is beginning to do a little vocalizeing...especially at "night,night". he's kind of high str ng, but has become much more settled. When, and how to you begin to work with getting them to talk??? thanks, Nita

Susan - 01/16/00 21:39:34
My Email:firedan@aol.com
What kind of birdies do you own?: 1 canary, 1 parakeet, 1 cockateil and now one baby conure

We just purchased a beautiful Jenday Conure! He/She is 3 months old. We bring it home on Friday!!!!! We think hes gonna be called Monte but we're still not sure on the name. luv the site Stimpy is a cutey! Su

The Holland Flock - 01/10/00 20:54:44
My URL:http://members.chello.nl/~p.kolenbrander/
My Email:boonie34@hotmail.com
What kind of birdies do you own?: Cherryhead, U2 and Cag
Your favorite conure sites?: Conure Chat

What a beautiful 'fid' and oh so very photogenic. Really enjoyed your HP, but mom wonders why she couldn't find a link at the bottom of each page to get to your Guestbook, or maybe back to the front door. : ) Oh well, she fixed it by going back to Conure chat and clicking the link to the front page again so we could sign your book. Come visit our house if you get a chance. See ya round the feeding dish.

Juan - 11/20/99 12:57:11
My Email:fenderman33@yahoo.com
What kind of birdies do you own?: Parakeets, sun conure, chery-head
Your favorite conure sites?: Whatever

ˇHola! Stimpy. Muy bien...uh webpage? I guess you call. I try to write ingles..uh english now. I love sun conure parrot. They so cute. i need go feed birdies. Bye

Lily - 11/20/99 11:00:43
My Email:silllyteak@aol.com
What kind of birdies do you own?: Sun conure, Indian Ringneck, Two budgies
Your favorite conure sites?: ???

Hi, Got your page from the conure chat. Haven't look at it all but so far its great. Lily

Jennie Ondo - 11/12/99 23:45:15
My Email:CoyoteROAD@aol.com
What kind of birdies do you own?: Nanday Conure

My name is Dolly, and I have just been adopted by my new mommy and daddy. I've only been living here a week, and I am still getting to know my new family. I just love reading the stories about other mommy's and daddy's birdie adventures. I think I will like it here, and hopefully one day I will have a story to tell!

Jana -ne_2.gif" GBICON=1>
Lisa & Sunshine - 09/21/99 19:22:38
My Email:lbirtch@home.com
What kind of birdies do you own?: Jenday conure
Your favorite conure sites?: conure chat!!!

Hi! My name is Sunshine, and I think that you might be my twin!! Mommy loves your web site, she says that it looks like we are both spoiled, and that the things that your mommy says about you are the same things that she says about me!!!! I will be two ye rs old in Oct., so I know what you mean about hormones!! Mommy is making a website about me, so you can see me soon, if you put in her e-mail at the photopoint page, you can see pictures of me! Bye, Sunshine

sentyo - 09/08/99 15:59:47
My URL:http://www2.justnet.ne.jp/~sakura7/index.html
What kind of birdies do you own?: jenday

Hi!Ilove jenday.From JAPAN.

Katrina - 08/08/99 04:52:11
What kind of birdies do you own?: Jenday Conure
Your favorite conure sites?: Yours!

I think that this site is really neat!I'm getting my first Conure this Friday! I can't wait!

Katrina - 08/08/99 04:51:09
What kind of birdies do you own?: Jenday Conure
Your favorite conure sites?: Yours!


Jon - 07/22/99 11:36:34
My Email:fenderman33@yahoo.com
What kind of birdies do you own?: Budgie (Charlie)
Your favorite conure sites?: All of them

I love Jendays :)

ZEEKERRR - 04/23/99 18:51:48
What kind of birdies do you own?:None
Your favorite conure sites?: Stimpy's


Roxanne Saunders - 04/06/99 02:45:01
What kind of birdies do you own?: My roomate is a cockatiel
Your favorite conure sites?: Stimpy's Site

Stimpy, Loved the site. Wish my parents would do the same for me some day. Glad to see that you were able to make it to the Caribbean. My cheap parents (primarily Dad) wouldn't spring for the 1st class ticket I require whenever I travel. Mom & Dad really enjo ed meeting you and your parents in the Caribbean and hope that I get the chance to meet you in person. Keep up the great site! -Roxie:)

Karen Carncross - 04/05/99 02:53:16
My Email:karenc@msn.com

I loved the bath pics! I guess your mommie knows when you want one because you can tell her. Amazing. Many years ago when I was a kid I won a Capuchin monkey (the kind the old fashioned organ grinders had to pass around a cup for pennies). My little monkey, Patches, loved to take baths, too. But he did not start out that way. At first he screamed and screamed and bit me fiercely when I put him in the water. But after a while he noticed how nice and warm the water was and started to play in t and even pat the bubbles. Bye Stimpy! Your friend, Karen

Lupe and Phoenix - 04/01/99 06:37:04
My URL:http://www.freedom-2000.com/turner
My Email:lupe93@earthlink.net
What kind of birdies do you own?: 1 Sun Conure, 2 Zebra Finches & 1 English Budgie
Your favorite conure sites?: Conure chat @ Wings N Ways

What an adorable bird! Loved the vaction pictures. I am confused. Did Stimpy go with you? If so I want the name of that cruise line!!

Tenaya Devereaux - 03/30/99 17:12:07

I love your site, Stimpy! You are very cute and smart too. Say, do you need a job? I know just the place! We could use a good bird like you!

Magdalena Vogelsang - 03/29/99 19:06:55
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Vienna/2714
My Email:romanabird@geocities.com
What kind of birdies do you own?: maroon belly conure, cinnamon pearl cockatiel, and parrotlet.
Your favorite conure sites?: Conures You Just Gotta Luv 'em, Greencheek Conure Homepage, and Jester's Perch (my maroon belly's page)

Loved your page, especially the vacation photos. Now Jester wants to know when HE gets to go. BTW, his comment on your page was "Cute Parrot! Pretty Parrot!". He'd like to invite you to visit his branch of my homepage. -Magda-

Audrey - 03/28/99 05:09:01
My Email:zandilion@aol.com
What kind of birdies do you own?: Sun conure
Your favorite conure sites?: Gold-capped,Jenday and Sun Counres

Your Jenday sounds a lot like my Whitty! I was thinking about getting a Jenday as a second bird, But I don't know if Whitty would like a brother or sister because dad and I spoil him very much. Whitty and I loved your web page! loved the pictures!! Audrey Audr

Gordon & Kristi Saunders - 03/12/99 17:51:18
My Email:Gordon.Saunders@mci.com
What kind of birdies do you own?: Loud Mouth Cockatiel
Your favorite conure sites?: The Stimpy Site

Stimpy, Sorry we didn't get to meet you in the Caribbean. Looks like you didn't make it in the luggage after all. We've seen pictures of you and are looking forward to finally meeting. Would you like for us to ship over our Cockatiel "Romeo" to you so that you have a new friend? I'm sure your parents wouldn't mind.

Karen Carncross - 03/11/99 20:29:44
My Email:karenc@msn.com

Hi! I love to see the pics of you on your mommy's desk... And, I love to hear stories about all your tricks!

Cassanova and Suzanne Springer - 03/08/99 06:49:10
My Email:ibzannekar@yahoo.com
What kind of birdies do you own?: Just Cassanova, A Jenday
Your favorite conure sites?: conures, you gotta luv em


Tangelo - 03/01/99 21:59:52
My Email:julia@toolcity.net
What kind of birdies do you own?: Sun Conure
Your favorite conure sites?: Webring

Hi: My name is Tangelo & I'm a three year old female Sun Conure. I just created my first website and I wanted to invite you over for a visit! Actually my owners are getting alittle antsy about finding me a husband so if you know anyone let me know! Keep in touch. Tangelo

MIKE - 02/27/99 20:38:22
What kind of birdies do you own?: 2 BUDGIES
Your favorite conure sites?: GOBLINS AND DUDLEYS


Dave - 02/20/99 20:33:37
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~remguy/athens.html
My Email:lifeandhowtoliveit@yahoo.com
What kind of birdies do you own?: sun conure
Your favorite conure sites?: this one is nice

great page! keep it up

Michelle Calabro Hubbard - 02/05/99 05:24:59
My Email:MCHubbard@compuserve.com
What kind of birdies do you own?: I sun conure-FLASH, and two female lovebirds

Thanks for sharing!

Mickey - 02/04/99 17:45:03
My Email:krandall@yahoo.com
What kind of birdies do you own?: I'm a White Eye Conure and I have a new baby sister Congo African Grey, who I hate
Your favorite conure sites?: yours

Stimpy you are so cute, do you have a girlfriend? My mom, Katie, Doesn't like me picking up guys on the net but you are just to cute. I like a bird that has "tude" like me. Thanks for the potty training tips. Mom and I have been working on that. She opes we get it real soon. Your page is great. Mom was amazed and I'm jealous, I don't have one of my own. Well better go before I get in trouble( I need a computer of my own). Keep up the great work. Hope to see more of you on the big screen. Love Mickey P.S. I have a bath tub big enough for two, just don't tell my mom.

Mango - 01/17/99 01:51:29
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/southbeach/cove/2109
My Email:tmn200@yahoo.com
What kind of birdies do you own?: Jenday Conure

Actually, my owner is T. I'm Mango and for Christmas I picked out T when she stopped by the petshop to by a saltwater fish. She went home with the fish and me too! I'm new and don't have a page on her webpage yet, but I'm working on it! Ciao, :>~

Janet - 01/05/99 20:47:13
My Email:crowther@inconnect.com
What kind of birdies do you own?: Conure, Cocketiel, doves, chickens, chucker

You have done a good job with your site.

- 01/05/99 00:38:33


CHRIS DINGER - 12/30/98 03:18:50
What kind of birdies do you own?: WELL IM INTERESTED IN BUYING A PEACH-FRONT
Your favorite conure sites?: BUBBA'S


Dolly - 12/26/98 14:02:31
My Email:dgrewe@SWBell.net
What kind of birdies do you own?: Jenday Conure & Quaker Parakeet

My parents names are Dan & Debbie. I was born on Oct. 2, 1998. Nice meeting you. Have a great day!!

Cecilia - 12/09/98 21:07:37
My Email:ceciliangel
What kind of birdies do you own?: sun conure, cockatiel

I just got my sun conure 4 days ago. It is so much fun!!! I think conures are in my future.........

Tim Cranford - 12/07/98 02:29:16
My URL:http://freeweb.pdq.net/timc
My Email:timc@pdq.net
What kind of birdies do you own?: Jendaya Conure and parakeetes
Your favorite conure sites?: http://www.concentric.net/~conure/conlink.shtml

Our Bird is called Baby. He/She was born Feb-97. How did you get your bird to talk? Baby is a very sweet bird and loves to play. Roll on her back and play bite on ears.. My Question is -- How did you get your bird to talk? Tank you, Tim C.

Jennifer Uhl - 12/04/98 20:37:14
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Dell/9994
My Email:Uhlhome@aol.com
What kind of birdies do you own?: Jenday Conour (Sunny) & A Budgie (Birdie)
Your favorite conure sites?: Here! (Of course!)

I really like this site, and I think your conure is sooooooooo cute! I'm planning to come back often!

Anna Lake - 11/29/98 17:52:51
My Email:greywolf@cyberhighway.net
What kind of birdies do you own?: Nanday conure, Grey cheek parrokeet, Cockateals
Your favorite conure sites?: So far - Dudley's

Hello! My name is Anna and my pride and joy is a Nanday Conure, his name is Baby. I like him better than my husband, (Don't tell him!) I can't keep this bird out of water! I have never seen a bird love baths like this one. Does yours act this way? Some of his favorite things to do is, Scream, scream, and some times when he can't think of anything else to do, He'll scream. He loves to eat anything he sees me with. (A regular little Piglet.) He can say, "Can I have a kiss? Smooch smooch smooch" and he makes an excellent watch dog, Whenever he sees a stranger he screams. (Suprised?) Anna Lake Nampa, Idaho

Kathy Young - 11/20/98 17:10:49
My Email:kyoung@ou.edu
What kind of birdies do you own?: cockatiels and 1 Sun Conure
Your favorite conure sites?: numerous

My Sun Conure, Oscar, is really a character. He thinks I'm his mama and basically goes everywhere with me. He's very acrobatic and playful as well. These birds must truly be a favorite of bird lovers: they are soooooo pretty and sooooo full of charm.< r>
- 11/05/98 20:05:17
My Email:Sleeper616@aol.com
What kind of birdies do you own?: A 5 month old Jenday named Binky.
Your favorite conure sites?: Stimpy's of course!

I love your site! The pictures are great and the information is helpful. I used your potty training method on Binky and it worked like a charm. Now if I could just keep her/him from biting! Do you bite?

Ricky Trombley - 11/02/98 23:38:07
What kind of birdies do you own?: Cockatiel,Jendaya Conure
Your favorite conure sites?: Dont have one


Ginger Stringham - 10/27/98 04:47:52
My Email:stringhg@ucs.orst.edu
What kind of birdies do you own?: Jenday Conure

I love the "go poop" story! I figured out my own method, but I got a kick out of yours. =)

June - 10/26/98 18:38:54
My Email:JuneDotCom@aol.com
What kind of birdies do you own?: Finches, currently
Your favorite conure sites?: unknown

I just met, and fell in love with, a Jenday Conure this past weekend. I must know more!!! I have a feeling that I have stumbled onto a new passion! If anyone has any advice, or can recommend good breeders, please email me. I hesitate buying one or mor from a pet store. Thanks for any help!

Pepper's Mom - 10/03/98 01:41:47
My Email:jgwood@worldaxes.com
What kind of birdies do you own?: Jenday Conure
Your favorite conure sites?: Conures--Gotta Love 'em

You are one cute little article, Stimpy! My Pepper looks a lot like you, and is getting pretty talkative, too. He can also imitate to perfection the powder room toilet with the leaky valve! We are having birdy fun here in Southeastern PA.

Aunt Sheri - 09/24/98 06:26:43
My Email:thompson@theshop.net
What kind of birdies do you own?: you name it!
Your favorite conure sites?: stimpy - of course!

Hi Jill & Stimpy!!! Aunt Sheri is finally on line...ha....love the new pictures.....Connie my Green cheek especially loved the pictures of you in the bath, although I told her to close her eyes!!! love ya

Aunt Sheri - 09/24/98 06:24:42
My Email:thompson@theshop.net


Aunt Sheri - 09/24/98 06:24:41
My Email:thompson@theshop.net


MIMI - 09/15/98 03:00:27
My Email:MIMIMAY12aol.com
What kind of birdies do you own?: jENDAY CONURE
Your favorite conure sites?: all


prissy - 09/12/98 00:46:20
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~missprissy/index.html
My Email:prissy@citcom.net
What kind of birdies do you own?: Jenday Conure

Hi!! i got my Jenday Conure today!!! He is less than 4 months old and he is just precious! Hand raised/fed......He just rolls over on his back and lets me pet him and rub his belly and loves to be scratched under his wings. I love him already! Since he's still young his colors haven't fully developed so your pics provide me with what he will "one day" look like and he is absolutely beautiful! Thank you for sharing your tips and links. Yours was the first page I have been to and I have enjoyed it! Thanks gain for sharing. (Guess I'll be making my OWN "bird" page soon...*s*) prissy

Kevin & Vickie - 09/10/98 03:30:35
My Email:nwhuffs@worldnet,att,net
What kind of birdies do you own?: nanjen (nanday/jenday)
Your favorite conure sites?: all of them are great

Enjoy your page, we just got "Gizmo", he/she is 5 months old, and very sweet, we feel very lucky as he seems to like everyone, and loves to cuddle. He is trying to say hello, searching for clarity. Take Care.

DonnaRae - 09/10/98 02:42:40
My Email:buddro@alltel.net
What kind of birdies do you own?: parakeets 2, ringneck, jenday
Your favorite conure sites?: Jenday Land, Conures

Hi, my name is Sebastian and I am a 3 month old Jenday Conure. I have a friend that shares my cage and his name is Jules. He is a Ringneck. We really like to play but sometimes he gets on my nerves and I scream at him. We have two other friends that l ve in a cage next door. They are parakeets named Amigo and Emmie. We also have 3 aquariums in our room. Our mom takes us out and plays with us a lot. Sometimes we walk around on the big tank 150 gallons and watch the fish, This makes us very dizzy. Wel , it's treat time so I gotta go....Bye

Rebecca - 09/06/98 02:03:01
My Email:mifry@bellatlantic.net
What kind of birdies do you own?: conures and 'keets

I laughed so hard when I read that your conure beeps along with the microwave, too! My jenday, Gonzo can do the microwave and the oven. We can tell the difference by the length and frequency! I really enjoyed your site.

SHANTEL - 09/05/98 15:09:05
My Email:frenchkiss15@hotmail.com
What kind of birdies do you own?: I own a beautiful new baby greencheek
Your favorite conure sites?: YOURS OF COURSE!!

I found your page very informative and fun at the same time. You have a very beautiful bird and if you can please update us!!!! Godd luck with your little precious sun..... I really enjoyed your page. NICE WORK!!! shout outs from ontario canada!!!

Nina - 09/05/98 13:51:31
My Email:cnmcdee@sprint.ca
What kind of birdies do you own?: maroon bellied conures-Rico and Ruby, Cockatiels- Buster, Ginny, George and Daisy.
Your favorite conure sites?: This one is excellent!!

What a wonderful page! Very well layed out and adorable. A big HELLO! from my flock here in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada! Nina and the Kids

Katherine Blyth - 09/03/98 18:25:20
My Email:kblyth@polaris.net
What kind of birdies do you own?: Jenday Conure

I just purchased by bird 2 months ago. I never had a bird as a pet. We love him so much, he is already part of the family! I have a cage at work and one at home. His name is Romeo. He goes everywhere with me. But he still seems to favor my husband, o I think he might be a Juliette! The breader I purchased him from said he was three months old. He is still very young. When do they start talking? The only thing I can't teach him to do is to stop bitting. He doesn't bite to be mean, just grabs on eal hard...it hurts! Other than that he is great. He loves to cuddle. I never new a bird would do that. I also own a cat and the bird is more affectionate that the cat. If you have any pointers let me know! Katherine Tallahassee, Florida

Michelle Hean - 08/31/98 20:30:05
My Email:927763@ican.net
What kind of birdies do you own?: 2 budgies, 3 cockatiels, 1 indian ringneck parakeet, and our new 13-month old conure
Your favorite conure sites?: this is my 1st site visited!

I loved your pics. We also have four cats, and a wonderful dog. All the pets are under 4 years old. this new conure whom we have had for only 3 days has bonded with me like I never thought was imaginable! He has had 5 homes in 10 months, so finally he has one forever. I love him already, but we have to be very patient because of his biting problem. I have noticed a marked improvement in only three days!

Wendy - 08/27/98 20:22:16
My Email:animals@brandons.net
What kind of birdies do you own?: Jenday Conure
Your favorite conure sites?: N/A

We just found out that our conure Mickey is a girl whom we have was a boy for a few years now. Mickey has a very small bone width and weighs the same as what males are supposed to. It wasn't until Mickey has her blood tken that we found out for sure and w are still in shock. Do you know anything about breeding conures? Take care, Wendy

Papa - 08/26/98 06:08:32
What kind of birdies do you own?: one ornery conure

Stimpy, this is Papa. Have you been playing with the computer again? Just don't poop on it!

Siobhan - 08/24/98 03:38:23
My Email:WndyblkWlf@AOL.com
What kind of birdies do you own?: As of yet, I have none. But within the year I am quite sure that will change:)
Your favorite conure sites?: I do not have one currently...

I love your website! Good layout, easy to read w/ nice colors. Very informative, and I especially like the page on potty training...when I get a bird I will start that practice-I just hope it works with all conures, well actually I hope it works for conures/kakaris/cockatoos/mini-macaws/eclectus (those are the birds I'm considering getting) Anyways put more pictures on your website! Your bird is adorable!!! I'll post another message here when I get a bird:) Oh, if anyone has info on the birds I listed above please contact me.. thanks!!! ~Siobhan

Lloyd - 08/09/98 21:13:06
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/rainforest/canopy/5986/
My Email:suth1@home.com
What kind of birdies do you own?: citron2 and MexRed Amazon
Your favorite conure sites?: hmmm...this one?=)

Hi guys...loved your site! You provide some valuable information on the care and handling of avian life...and you do it in a sweet and charming way. Your photos are wonderful...and I bet your baby's a rascal at times =) Please keep up the wonderful work! rop by the Parrot Haven when you have a chance to visit, and say hello...Kind regards...Lloyd

Lisa F. - 08/05/98 23:31:04
My URL:none yet
My Email:dagsa@aol.com
What kind of birdies do you own?: Gumbo the halfmoon conure & Taylor the military macaw
Your favorite conure sites?: Conure Chat

Stimpy, you're such a beautiful bird! I really enjoyed looking at all your pictures. Gumbo was jealous and wants his own page! Cheers, Lisa, Gumbo, & Taylor

Baby - 08/01/98 00:38:21
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~MolucaanBaby/index.html
My Email:MoluccanBaby@tellmeimcute.com
What kind of birdies do you own?: I'm a Moluccan
Your favorite conure sites?: New...not sure yet!

We like your site!! Come visit ours sometime! The pics take a bit to load, but they're really great and worth the wait!

Marcy P. - 07/26/98 14:36:55
My URL:http://members.home.net/marcyp/
My Email:marcyp@home.com
What kind of birdies do you own?: Red Throated and Mitred Conures, Cockatiel and a Canary
Your favorite conure sites?: They're all so marvellous

I was having a Sunday morning cup of coffee so I thought I'd explore the lovely conure sites on the ring. Best wishes to you from my feathered friends and me!

Scott Bland - 07/18/98 21:27:28
My Email:Elven1@hotmail.com
What kind of birdies do you own?: Sun Conure

Great Page!! You have a very beautiful bird. I just bought a 13 week old baby girl Sun Conure. She has been at the house for two days and I am trying to learn as much as I can as quick as I can. Can Sun Conures talk? Scott

Carol - 07/09/98 04:32:13
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Yosemite/Gorge/3291/
My Email:std_schnauzer@hotmail.com
What kind of birdies do you own?: Blue Crowned Conure & Quaker
Your favorite conure sites?: Chat

Love your page. We need to get GeoCities to put up a topic for BIRDS. They now just have dogs and cats under pets.

Christie - 07/08/98 15:10:53
My Email:rlccltd@wtp.net

I'm a new conure mom. I have a Sun, born (I don't like to say hatched) April 11. He stole my heart away immediately. I'm so excited about learning with him and experiancing things as he does. His name is Toma.

Connie P - 07/08/98 00:59:19
My URL:http://www.savethewave.com/connie.htm
My Email:connie@savethewave.com
What kind of birdies do you own?: Hyacinth, Umbrella & Moluccan Cockatoos

Thanks for visiting our site & glad you enjoyed your visit. Your site is very nicely done & Stimpy is adorable! We'll have some birdie toys & accessories on our website within the next week so be sure to visit again soon!

Vicki - 07/06/98 19:22:19
My Email:DWilli9999@aol.com
What kind of birdies do you own?: 4 Conures, 1 English Budgie, 1 Latino Lovebird
Your favorite conure sites?: Conure Chat & Cacophony

Hi, Thanks for the link. I found it through Conure chat. Stimpy sure is a beautiful bird, and sounds so smart !!!

Skittles and Precious - 07/06/98 16:27:16
What kind of birdies do you own?: We would love to own lots of pretty birds.
Your favorite conure sites?: Yours, of course!

Love your Web site! Your mouth-watering pictures are fun to look at. Hope to meet you soon... Skittles and Precious (meow)

My Home Page | Visit Heartland/Bluffs | Explore GeoCities | Get your own free homepage
you soon... Skittles and Precious (meow)

My Home Page | Visit Heartland/Bluffs | Explore GeoCities | Get your own free homepage