Hameydoo's vacation-Album Pictures take a while to download please be patient.. Thanks..
These are some pictures taken when two internet friends and I met this summer..My husband met both these ladies first and introduced them to me.. hehehe thanks honey! I have known both these ladies for well over a year and it was really great being able to meet them.. mushroomhead lives in Nashville Tn.. she flew to Denver and we met and flew the rest of the way to Oregon.. Linda Diane Anderson lives in Oregon and we met at the hotel in Longview Wa.. we had a great time. We hit it off immediately.. I don't have a lot of time to do the album right now so will update it in the future, I hope the very near future..=]
This first picture is mushroomhead in orange and Linda in blue..
In this picture Mush is being a stinker..=]
Mushroomhead.. !
Linda at her BEST!
while in Oregon we went to Astoria and saw the Merritime museum..
Mush in museum..
A husband catcher!hehehehe
Buddy Album
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