Hameydoo's Photo-Album
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To my photo album..
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This is a family pic taken in 1997.. It consist of my husband, youngest son, daughter, and me..
Hameydoo's family!

My baby girl.. she doesn't like the one of her in the family shot..:)She decided she wanted to take part of her moms net name and picked ~Babydoo~:) she turned 12 this past Nov.. boy when she and her brother clash they really clash! the younger brother that is..:) but she can hold her own with the oldest one too!
Sissy kid

My youngest son.. his dad goes by the name of noscalplok on the net.. so when he picked a net name he picks of all things.. Scalplok! I think you can figure out why..:) hahaha He turned 13 this past september.. *sigh* here we go again!

My oldest son, his wife, and newborn son in the hospital in June 1998..
Kelly, Jenny, Elijah

My grandbabies..:)
my grandbabies!

My grandbaby Elijah at Thanksgiving..:)

This is my husbands office!
Greg's Office

Our two dogs Putz the poodle.. Greg's dog.. dummer then a box of rocks.. and Cody, my daughters mutt.. to smart for her own good.. Putz will be 12 this summer and cody 5..

This is my husbands cat Sugar? NOT! shes not sweet at all!.. she is a manx and mean as the dickens.. been declawed in the front since she was 9 months and is going to be 9years this summer and still goes out at night and still beats up all the dogs! She thinks she is the queen of this house and has Greg trained to treat her like one too..! She has him trained better then I do!LOL

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