To Hameydoo's Awards page.. My very first creation.. my seal of approval award.. for all my friends.. whos friendship has enriched my life emensely.. if I don't get it to you soon I am sorry.. its a busy summer but I will..=]

Only have two but more may come.. *HINT* but these are special cause they are from friends..=]I got a special award from a dear friend.. see now I am certified! LOL and now another one from Jaci.. thanks Jaci.. cool two more awards from Briggy.. thanks Briggy.. =]
A very Dear Lady gave me this gift..:) thanks so much Linda.. I love you too!
Linda's Award of Excellence

Another award.. Yippee.. from another dear friend! thanks Raz!:)

A very special award from a unique and special friend.. LOL Thanks mush..
Sherry, #1heelfan gave this one to me.. Thanks Sherry.. MGBY!
Rockin Robyn just gave me one.. thanks Robyn
A "CHILLING" special friend and mentor gave me this..=] if you want one go to J&J's and put in a request.. see if you can "CHILL" him..=]

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