My good friend Wolfwings! I put his picture on here and started album # 4.. on his birthday.. 3-19..:) Happy Birthday Dale!
A dear friend with lots of pages! I have them on my links page.. Lovebears, Lovebears2, Hi Phyl! thanks for the pic!
A woman with an attitude! hehehe
The woman with an attitude's great grandson! Fortunately he doesn't have grandmas attitude!! but doesn't she look young?? hehehe
Skeppio!!! I waited so long for this picture.. then didn't have time to put it up! Geez life can be cruel?? LOL He's also the womans with an attitude IGOR!! VICTIM more like it maybe huh??? LOL
Rockin-Robyn and LilWhit.. :)they drive ice cream trucks! Yum!
Numismatic (my older sis) and her hubs Brat!
Eagles80 (my neice)
Joey an icq friend!
My friend Printbrat.. She must of gotten tired of this old ugly one cause she sent me a much nicer picture don't you think? Thanks Trina..:)
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