VR Titanic

(For people who don't have all day to read e-mails)

Welcome to VR Titanic! This VR Titanic is for people who don't have all day to read e-mails. The other Virtual Titanic averages 150 to 200 e-mails a day. I personally didn't have time to even delete all those messages, especially when only five or so were for me. Will, here I am offering a VR Titanic that should average fewer messages.

How to Join

First in order to join, you must pick a real person from the Titanic, i.e. Molly Brown, J.J. Astor ... A good source to find one is at Enclyopedia Titanica. There you can find out about that person and if they survived or not, how old they were and other information. All characters after your first can be fictional (not real). It is a good idea to read the list of characters already aboard the Titanic, so you know who is taken.

Second, Fill out this form for each serpent charter.

Third, go to http://www.onelist.com, and subscribe to vrtitanic@onelist.com. This will register you and you're off to roam the decks of Titanic.

Do you need Something? Come to the head office and find out what is happening on the Titanic.

The wireless office it up, now you can send letters to other passengers.

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This Virtual Titanic: Titanic Roleplay on the Net site owned by Rebecca.
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